
Academic year 2021/2022
Program: N-AIŘ-P Applied Computer Science and Control
Specialization: N-AIŘ-P Applied Computer Science and Control (without sp.) Grade: 2
full-time study Year: 2
Course Credits Scope Assesment  Superv. Inst. Supervisor
winter semester
FSISimulation of Dynamic Systemscs 5 P: 13 × 2
CPP: 13 × 2
Cr,Ex ÚAI prof. RNDr. Ing. Jiří Šťastný, CSc.
MPC-MIDModelling and Identificationcs 6 P: 13 × 2
Cp: 13 × 2
Cr,Ex UAMT doc. Ing. Petr Blaha, Ph.D.
VBCBio-inspired Computingcs 4 P: 13 × 1
CPP: 13 × 2
GCr ÚAI prof. Ing. Radomil Matoušek, Ph.D.
VPPOptimization Methods IIcs 6 P: 13 × 3
CPP: 13 × 2
Cr,Ex ÚAI Ing. Jakub Kůdela, Ph.D.
VSGSignals and Systemscs 5 P: 13 × 3
CPP: 13 × 2
Cr,Ex ÚAI prof. Dr. Ing. Jan Černocký
VSVMachine Visioncs 5 P: 13 × 2
L: 13 × 2
Cr,Ex ÚAI prof. RNDr. Ing. Jiří Šťastný, CSc.
summer semester
VDCDatabase Systems and Cloud Storagescs 5 P: 13 × 2
CPP: 13 × 2
Cr,Ex ÚAI prof. RNDr. Ing. Miloš Šeda, Ph.D.
VD8Diploma Seminar (M-AIR)cs 4 C1: 13 × 2
Cr ÚAI prof. RNDr. Ing. Jiří Šťastný, CSc.
VD9Diploma Project (M-AIR)cs 12 VD: 13 × 12
Cr ÚAI prof. RNDr. Ing. Jiří Šťastný, CSc.
VPK-AComputer Communicationen 5 P: 13 × 2
CPP: 13 × 2
Cr,Ex ÚAI doc. Ing. Jan Roupec, Ph.D.
VTRAlgebraic Theory of Controlcs 3 P: 13 × 2
GCr ÚM doc. Mgr. Jaroslav Hrdina, Ph.D.
7AZMTechnical English for Master's Degreeen 0 K: 1 × 1
Ex ÚJ Mgr. Dita Gálová, Ph.D.
VE0Competence in Electrical Engineeringcs 4 P: 13 × 2
L: 13 × 2
Cr ÚAI doc. Ing. Miloš Hammer, CSc.
V0RVirtual Realitycs 3 P: 13 × 1
CPP: 13 × 2
GCr ÚAI doc. Ing. Pavel Škrabánek, Ph.D.
Overview winter semestersummer semestertotal
total number of credits 31 29 60
average number of lessons per week 25 24,08 24,54
average number of exams 5 3 8