
Academic year 2019/2020
Branch: B-AIŘ Applied Computer Science and Control Grade: 1
combined study Year: 3
Course Credits Scope Assesment  Superv. Inst. Supervisor
winter semester
CKP-KMachine Design and Machine Elementscs 5 KK: 1 × 17
S: 1 × 35
GCr ÚK prof. Ing. Martin Hartl, Ph.D.
FSI-KSimulation of Dynamic Systemscs 5 KK: 1 × 17
S: 1 × 35
Cr,Ex ÚAI prof. RNDr. Ing. Jiří Šťastný, CSc.
VO1-KOptimization Methodscs 6 KK: 1 × 22
S: 1 × 43
Cr,Ex ÚAI prof. RNDr. Ing. Miloš Šeda, Ph.D.
VPL-KProgrammable Logic Controllerscs 5 KK: 1 × 9
L: 1 × 9
S: 1 × 34
Cr,Ex ÚAI doc. Ing. Zdeněk Němec, CSc.
VTI-KInformation Theory and Encodingcs 4 KK: 1 × 17
S: 1 × 35
Cr,Ex ÚAI prof. Ing. Radomil Matoušek, Ph.D.
VTM-KTechnical Measurementcs 5 KK: 1 × 13
L: 1 × 9
S: 1 × 43
Cr,Ex ÚAI Ing. František Vdoleček, CSc.
summer semester
FDI-KBachelor Project (B-AIR)cs 10 KK: 1 × 35
VB: 1 × 78
S: 1 × 69
Cr ÚAI prof. RNDr. Ing. Jiří Šťastný, CSc.
FEI-KBachelor Seminar (B-AIR)cs 4 KK: 1 × 9
S: 1 × 17
Cr ÚAI prof. RNDr. Ing. Jiří Šťastný, CSc.
VAD-KAutomatic Diagnosticscs 5 KK: 1 × 9
L: 1 × 9
S: 1 × 34
Cr,Ex ÚAI Ing. František Vdoleček, CSc.
VDS-KDatabase Systemscs 5 KK: 1 × 17
S: 1 × 35
Cr,Ex ÚAI prof. RNDr. Ing. Miloš Šeda, Ph.D.
Overview winter semestersummer semestertotal
total number of credits 30 24 54
average number of lessons per week 26 24 25
average number of exams 5 2 7