
Academic year 2020/2021
Branch: --- no specialisation Grade: 3
full-time study Year: 1
Course Credits Scope Assesment  Superv. Inst. Supervisor
winter semester
9AJEnglish for Doctoral Degree Studyen 0 Cj: 30 × 2
DrEx ÚJ Mgr. Martina Vránová, Ph.D.
Recommended course
9ATOApplications of CAD/CAM in Technology of Machiningcs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST doc. Ing. Josef Sedlák, Ph.D.
9CTOCNC Technologies of Machiningcs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST prof. Ing. Miroslav Píška, CSc.
9EMOExperimental Methods in Machiningcs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST prof. Ing. Miroslav Píška, CSc.
9EMTExperimental Methods in Formingcs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST prof. Ing. Milan Forejt, CSc.
9KKSCrystallization of Metals and Alloyscs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST prof. Ing. Ladislav Zemčík, CSc.
9MEOMetallurgy of Steelcs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST doc. Ing. Antonín Záděra, Ph.D.
9MNKMetallurgy of Non-Ferrous Alloyscs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST doc. Ing. Jaromír Roučka, CSc.
9NSSNumerical Simulation of Foundry Processescs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST doc. Ing. Jaromír Roučka, CSc.
9PMRAdvanced Materials for Cutting Toolscs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST prof. Ing. Miroslav Píška, CSc.
9PPCComputer Aided of Technological Activitiescs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST doc. Ing. Josef Chladil, CSc.
9PSTProgressive Foundry Technologiescs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST prof. Ing. Milan Horáček, CSc.
9PTPProgressive Technologies in Sheet Metal Formingcs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST doc. Ing. Milan Dvořák, CSc.
9PTUProgressive Surface Treatment Technologiescs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST doc. RNDr. Libor Mrňa, Ph.D.
9REPReverse Engineering and Rapid Prototypingcs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST Ing. Jan Zouhar, Ph.D.
9SC1CAD System Ics 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST Ing. Aleš Polzer, Ph.D.
9SINSimultaneous Engineeringcs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST prof. Ing. Milan Horáček, CSc.
9TTSTheory of Fusion Weldeability of Metalscs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST doc. RNDr. Libor Mrňa, Ph.D.
9TTTTheory of Metal-Forming Technology Processescs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST prof. Ing. Milan Forejt, CSc.
9TVNForming Toolscs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST doc. Ing. Zdeněk Lidmila, CSc.
summer semester
Recommended course
9MMNModern Metallurgy of Non-ferrous Metals and Alloyscs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST doc. Ing. Antonín Záděra, Ph.D.
9SC2CAD System IIcs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST Ing. Aleš Polzer, Ph.D.
Overview winter semestersummer semestertotal
total number of credits 0 0 0
average number of lessons per week 33,85 3,08 18,46
average number of exams 20 2 22