Automatic Control Equipment (FSI-VAU-A)

Academic year 2019/2020
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Zdeněk Němec, CSc.  
Supervising institute: ÚAI all courses guaranted by this institute
Teaching language: English
Aims of the course unit:
Knowledge of option, proposal and application possibilitias of separate member of control circuit components. A student will be able to operate, adjust and design automatic control curcuits.
Course objektive is to acquaint the students with automatic control components and their solutions, functions and utilizations.
Learning outcomes and competences:
Students obtain overview and fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge about selection and utilization of sensors, actuators, control systems and communications busses for measurement and control application.
Students are expected to have knowledge of automatic control.

Course contents:
1) Electrical Equipments:
The course deals with automatic control equipments includet in a control loop, such as sensor, elements of transmission and signal transformation, central elements of regulators and actuators. Orinciple, function, characteristics, parametrs and structure design ara explained for these equipments. Detailed explanation is given to analogue regulators and their realization by means of operational amplifier.
2) Fluid Equipments:
The course deals with an automatic control based on a fluid substance. The course consists of two parts: one deals with theoretical principles, the other with practical experiments. In the theoretical part, students can learn about types of sensors, actuators and other parts of fluid systems. The theoretical knowledge is applied to a real system in the practical part of the course. Practical experiments take place in laboratory on simple control tasks.
Teaching methods and criteria:
The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline. Teaching is suplemented by practical laboratory work.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes:
Course-unit credit requirements: participation in seminars, completing of assigned laboratory works, processing the results of laboratory works.
Examination requirements, electrical equipments: written exam with 12 answers related to the topics of the course.
Examination requirements, fluid equipments: written exam with 2 answers from theoretical parts and 1 from laboratory works.
Controlled participation in lessons:
Attendance at lectures is recommended, attendance at seminars is required. It is at the teacher`s discretion to decide how to make up for missed seminars.
Type of course unit:
    Lecture  13 × 2 hrs. optionally                  
    Laboratory exercise  13 × 4 hrs. compulsory                  
Course curriculum:
    Lecture 1. Introduction, general characteristics of control equipments
2. Sensors
3. Components for signal transformation (information)
4. Transmission of information (signals, data)
5. Regulators and central elements of controller
6. Actuators
    Laboratory exercise 1. lessons with examples of control equipments
2. laboratory test with measuring of relay characteristics
3-6. lessons of identification of regulated system
7-12. lessons with examples of different regulated loops
13. discussion, summary.
Literature - fundamental:
1. Němec, Z.: Prostředky automatického řízení, elektrické. Sudijní opora oboru Aplikovaná informatika a řízení. VUT Brno, FSI, ÚAI.
1. Thomas, C.: Sensor Fusion - Foundation and Applications, InTech, 2011
2. Isermann, Rolf: Mechatronic systems—fundamentals, Springer Netherlands, 2008
3. Debeljkovic, D: Time-Delay Systems, InTech, 2011
4. Mitchell, H.B: Multi-Sensor Data Fusion - An Introduction, Springer - Verlag, 2007
5. LabVIEW Measurements Manual, National Instruments, April 2003 Edition, Part Number 322661B-01, dostupné z
6. Rey, G.R., Muneta L. M: Modelling Simulation and Optimization, InTech, 2010
7. Fraden, Jacob: Handbook of Modern Sensors - Physics, Designs and Applications (3rd Edition), Springer - Verlag, 2004
8. Isermann, Rolf: Mechatronic systems—fundamentals, Springer Netherlands, 2008.
9. Balátě, J.: Technické prostředky automatického řízení. Praha, SNTL 1986.
Literature - recommended:
2. Beneš, P. a kol.:Automatizace a automatizační technika, díl 3- Prostředky automatizační techniky. Computer Press, Praha, 2000.
3. Kopáček, J.: Pneumatické mechanismy.
4. FESTO Didactic: Pneumatické řídicí systémy.
5. FESTO Didactic: Úvod do řízení programovatelným automatem.
6. Škopán, M.: Hydraulické pohony strojů. Studijní text - sylabus, VUT Brno, 2004.
The study programmes with the given course:
Programme Study form Branch Spec. Final classification   Course-unit credits     Obligation     Level     Year     Semester  
M2E-A full-time study M-IND Industrial Engineering -- Cr,Ex 5 Compulsory 2 1 S
M2I-Z visiting student M-STI Mechanical Engineering -- Cr,Ex 5 Recommended course 2 1 S