Year Project II - Machining (FSI-DR3)

Academic year 2020/2021
Supervisor: prof. Ing. Miroslav Píška, CSc.  
Supervising institute: ÚST all courses guaranted by this institute
Teaching language: Czech
Aims of the course unit:
The goal of the Project is to acquaint students with the methods of performing a specific technical problem in simple applications, particularly in the introductory analytical part. Students majoring in machining technology will learn how to design a technological process for production of simple shaft components, gear wheels etc., including the design of a machine tool, tools, clamps, measuring instruments and cutting conditions.
Learning outcomes and competences:
The student will be made familiar with the method of searching and evaluating of technical information. He/she will learn how to perform a technological problem analysis with regard to the current state of technical and scientific knowledge of the field, and to deduce conclusions and recommendations from this analysis. He/she acquire basic knowledge necessary for performing a technical report.
Students are expected to have the knowledge of the technology of machining, material science, fundamentals of metrology and English language.
Course contents:
The course “Year Project” is aimed at the systematic and independent work when solving the technical problem in the branches of engineering technology related to machining, design of tools and technological projects. Introductory or partial problems, which will dealt with in detail in the bachelor thesis, are solved within these branches. The Project is concluded by working out a short technical report.
Teaching methods and criteria:
The course is taught through practical laboratory work.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes:
The classification is performed by the graded course-unit credit, which confirms that the student has attended all required seminars and fulfilled all requirements for its awarding. The grade reflects the quality of tasks with respect to technical and formal level of submitted report.
Controlled participation in lessons:
Compulsory attendance in all lessons is required and checked by the tutor. It can be recompensed by a consultation of solved problem at a professional workplace outside the faculty, or visit of technical library on the base of the tutor previous agreement, in individual cases. Longer absence is recompensed according to the tutor instructions.
Type of course unit:
    Laboratory exercise  13 × 2 hrs. compulsory                  
Course curriculum:
    Laboratory exercise 1.Common principles of working out technical and organizational projects
2.Assignemnt of individual topics
3.Outline of elaboration of technical and organizational projects
4.Methodology of project elaboration - general part
5.Methodology of data analysis and acquisition
6.Methodology of performing of proposals evaluation
7.Principles and methodology of working with technical and technological backgrounds
8.Principles of work with professional literature
9.Principles of graphic form of technical reports
10.Principles of evaluation and rating
11.Consultations on professional problems
12.Consultaions on professional problems, questions
13.Delivery of technical reports, individual discussion and evaluation
Literature - fundamental:
2. SANDVIK CZ s.r.o. Technická příručka obrábění. 2005. C-2900:3CZE/01. AB Sandvik Coromant 2005.10.
3. SMITH, G.-T. Cutting Tool Technology - Industrial Handbook. Springer-Verlag London Limited. United Kingdom. 2008. 597 pp. ISBN 978-1-84800-204-3.
4. HOFFMANN QUALITÄTSWERKZEUGE CZ s.r.o., Ejpovice. GARANT Příručka obrábění. Dostupné z:
Literature - recommended:
1. HUMÁR, Anton. Materiály pro řezné nástroje. MM publishing s. r.o., Praha. 2008. 235s. ISBN 978-80-254-2250-2.
2. MELOUN, M., MILITKÝ, J. Statistické zpracování experimentálních dat. PLUS s.r.o. Praha, 1994. 839 s. ISBN 80-85297-56-6.
3. STAHL, J.-E. Metal Cutting Theories and Models. GB Seco Tools AB. 02858870 ST20126371. 2012. 580 pp. ISBN 978-91-673-1336-1.
4. TECHNICKÉ MATERIÁLY, KATALOGY A PROSPEKTY firem Ceramtec, Ceratizit, Gühring, Iscar, Kennametal, Korloy, Mitsubishi, Pramet Tools, Sandvik Coromant, Seco, Walter, Widia.
The study programmes with the given course:
Programme Study form Branch Spec. Final classification   Course-unit credits     Obligation     Level     Year     Semester  
B3S-P full-time study B-STG Manufacturing Technology -- GCr 3 Compulsory 1 3 W