Theory of Fusion Weldeability of Metals (FSI-9TTS)

Academic year 2020/2021
Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Libor Mrňa, Ph.D.  
Supervising institute: ÚST all courses guaranted by this institute
Teaching language: Czech or English
Aims of the course unit:
The main objektive of the course is to provide students with the complete theoretical knowledge about a metalurgy, stresses and structures of welding metals

Learning outcomes and competences:
Students will be acquainted with theory of metallic materials fusion weldeability.
Successful completion of the course is conditional on the knowledge of: fundamentals of fusion and pressure welding technology, weldability of materials as well as with science of materials.
Course contents:
The course deals with the following topics: Influence of heat – deformation cyklus for a properties of HAZ of welding materials. The mechanism of heat, cold, lamela and annealing cracs rise. Influence of weld metal attenuation and of specific inserted heat. The metallurgical aspects of fusion welding. Stress and deformation. Welding of steels, the methods for determination of preheat temperature tests of weldeability. Weldeability of irons Al, Cu, Ni and its alloys.
Teaching methods and criteria:
The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes:
The final exam will be composed of written and oral part. It is classificated to the ECTS grading scale
Controlled participation in lessons:
Consultations are mandatory.

Type of course unit:
    Lecture  10 × 2 hrs. optionally                  
Course curriculum:
    Lecture 1. Definition of weldeability. Course of heat and deformation during welding. Field of temperature and stresses. Cycle of temperature.
2. Metallurgical aspects of fuse welding. Reaction of liquid metal with gases.
3. Crystallization and defects of liquid metal. Heat transfer zone.
4. Weldeability of steels - structure and properties HAZ, degradation of HAZ properties. Influence of components on the weldeability. Carbon equivalent, ARA diagrams, determination of preheat temperature.
5. Weldeability of separate of steel types.
6. Heterogeneous welds. Schaeffler´s diagram.
7. Deformation during the welding. Types of deformation and theirs elimination. Straightening.
8. Weldeability of irons.
9. Weldeability of Al and their alloys
10.Weldeability Cu, Ni and their alloys.
Literature - fundamental:
1. FOLDYNA Václav a kol. Materiály a jejich svařitelnost. Ostrava: ZEROSS 2001. 292 s. ISBN 80-85771-85-3.
2. KOUKAL,J., D.SCHWARZ a J. HAJDÍK Materiály a jejich svařitelnost. 1. vyd. Ostrava: Český svářečský ústav s.r.o. Ostrava, VŠB-Technická univerzita Ostrava. 2009. 241 s. ISBN 978-80-248-2025-5.
3. HRIVŇÁK, Ivan. Teória zvaritel´nosti kovov a zliatin. 1. vyd. Bratislava: Veda 1989. 343 s. ISBN 80-224-0016-5.
The study programmes with the given course:
Programme Study form Branch Spec. Final classification   Course-unit credits     Obligation     Level     Year     Semester  
D-STG-P full-time study --- no specialisation -- DrEx 0 Recommended course 3 1 W