Metallurgy (FSI-CME-K)

Academic year 2020/2021
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Jaromír Roučka, CSc.  
Supervising institute: ÚST all courses guaranted by this institute
Teaching language: Czech
Aims of the course unit:
The aim of course is to get knowlidges about sorts, structure and properties of different steels, cast iron grades and non-ferrous alloys, principle of melting processes, construction of melting furnaces, metal quality control and analysis of metallurgical defects.
Learning outcomes and competences:
Ability to propose and manage melting processes of different cast materials.
Basic knowledges of chemistry and metals science
Course contents:
Steel metallurgy: melting technology, melting units, analysis of metallurgical and external causes affecting the quality of the steel produced, secondary metallurgy of steel, continuous casting.
Cast iron metallurgy: Types of cast iron, chemical composition, properties and structure of raw material, metallurgical production processes, quality inspection, metallurgical defects in cast irons.
Metallurgy of non-ferous metals (alloys of aluminium, magnesium, copper and others): Melting methods, refining, affecting the structure, metallurgical defects.
Teaching methods and criteria:
The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline. Teaching is suplemented by practical laboratory work.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes:
Credit: Attendandance and appropriate knowledges in courses, passing 2 tests in the course
of semester
Exam: Credit, numerical part of exam, verbal part of exam
Controlled participation in lessons:
Controlled presence at lessons, 2 tests in the period of semester, absence - personal agreement
Type of course unit:
    Guided consultation in combined form of studies  1 × 9 hrs. compulsory                  
    Guided consultation  1 × 26 hrs. optionally                  
    Laboratory exercise  1 × 4 hrs. compulsory                  
Course curriculum:
    Guided consultation in combined form of studies 1. Grades of cast irons, mechanical, physical a and technological properties
2. Charge material, melting furnaces
3. Metallurgical processes by melting of iron
4. production of ductil iron
5. Heat treatment, quality control
6. Aluminium based alloys
7. Copper based alloys
8. Production of steel, melting agregates, trends in steel casting production
9. Theory of mettalurgical processes by melting steel
10. Mettalurgical reactions, inclusions in metal
11. Technology of melting in arc furnaces and convertor
12. Influence of melting technology on properties of steel
13. Speciality of melting of particular grades of steel, methods of refinement of melt
    Guided consultation 1. Grades of cast irons, mechanical, physical a and technological properties
2. Charge material, melting furnaces
3. Metallurgical processes by melting of iron
4. production of ductil iron
5. Heat treatment, quality control
6. Aluminium based alloys
7. Copper based alloys
8. Production of steel, melting agregates, trends in steel casting production
9. Theory of mettalurgical processes by melting steel
10. Mettalurgical reactions, inclusions in metal
11. Technology of melting in arc furnaces and convertor
12. Influence of melting technology on properties of steel
13. Speciality of melting of particular grades of steel, methods of refinement of melt
    Laboratory exercise 1. Constitutional diagram Fe-C, structure diagrams, structure of iron
2. Preparing the metalographical samples and their evaluation
3. Melting of cast iron
4. Production of ductile iron
5. Excursion to a iron foundry
6. Checking alumium alloys structures and degree of gas content
7. Exkursion to a aluminium foudry
8. Thermal capacities, enthalpie, free enthalpie
9. Equilibrium constant
10. Dependence of equilibrium constant on temperature, activity
11. Oxidation reactions
12. Calculation of balances by desoxidation reactions
13. Gases in a melt
Literature - fundamental:
1. : Fundamentals of Foundry Technology, , 0
2. : Iron Castings Handbook, , 0
3. Šenberger,J.: Metalurgie oceli na odlitky, CERM Brno, 2003 (in czech)
4. Roučka,J.: Metalurgie litin, PC-DIR Real s.r.o, Brno, 1998, ISBN 80-214-1263-1
Literature - recommended:
1. Koreň,J.,Jelč,I.: Optimalizácia tavenia liatiny, , 0
2. Píšek,F., Plešinger,A.: Slévárenství, , 0
The study programmes with the given course:
Programme Study form Branch Spec. Final classification   Course-unit credits     Obligation     Level     Year     Semester  
B3S-K combined study B-STG Manufacturing Technology -- Cr,Ex 6 Compulsory 1 2 S