Technological Projects and Materials Handling (FSI-ETM-K)

Academic year 2020/2021
Supervisor: Ing. Marek Štroner, Ph.D.  
Supervising institute: ÚST all courses guaranted by this institute
Teaching language: Czech
Aims of the course unit:
The main goal of the subject is to provide students with all basic information about designing of industrial plants. The course is divided into different parts: one focusing on designing of workshops and production line, storage and other part concentrating on material handling. Both parts are connected with different technology of mechanical engineering.
Learning outcomes and competences:
Students will acquire necessary knowledge from the areas of mechanical engineering workshops designing, storage and material handling. The subject is focused mainly on different technologies of mechanical engineering such as metal forming, welding and cutting, machining and casting.
Basic knowledge of manufacturing technology (forming and machining technology), as well as basic knowledge of machines and technological equipment used.
Course contents:
The content of Technological projects and materials handling aims at introducing students to the basics of technological design and enables them to gain insight into independent processing of pre-project analysis and precise technological layout of workshop as well as basic manufacturing operations, including material handling. The course mainly deals with the following topics: capacity calculations, fundamental design of manufacturing plant, detailed layout of workshops and workplaces, assembly lines and IPS and utilizes ergonomy in its technological design. The main objectives of the field relating to material handling is on the pre-project preparation, material handling devices, storage design and economic evaluation of project. Substantial part of the subject is also given to the use of computers and modern software for the purpose of company design, storages and their material handling processes. Students will also become familiar with basic principles of project management (application conditions, methods, criteria for success of the project etc.).
Teaching methods and criteria:
The subject is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline. Exercises are focused on practical topics presented in lectures.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes:
The conditions of the credit: students solve the example designing of workshops and production line, storage. The participation and the right solution are required.
The exam has the written and spoken parts: area of technological projects and materials handling and representative models of producing efficiency. During the spoken part are solved 1-2 theoretical questions from different parts of the subject.
For the evaluation the ECTS is used.
Controlled participation in lessons:
Attendance at lectures is checked. The lecture is different each week, that is why an absence may be compensated for in the same week only. Only one lecture may be missed without penalty. In the case of more missed exercises and the impossibility of replacing the exercise, the substitute protocols and computational work will be assigned.
Type of course unit:
    Guided consultation in combined form of studies  1 × 22 hrs. compulsory                  
    Guided consultation  1 × 43 hrs. optionally                  
Course curriculum:
    Guided consultation in combined form of studies 1. Introduction to the subject, theoretical foundations
2. Design steps and the examples
3. Main project of the study set of the buildings
4. Designing of the foundries
5. Designing of the forges
6. Designing of pressing and stamping shops
7. Designing of welding shops
8. Schematic design phase methods
9. Capacity computation and calculation
10.CRAFT and other computation methods
11.Designing of assembly and machining workplaces
12.Producing lines and flexible systems
13.Material handling in different condition, project management, economy and efficiency calculation
    Guided consultation 1. Capacity computing of the enterprise main project
2. Material handling design and capacity project of the forge
3. Machine layout and disposition of the pressing and stamping shop
4. Material handling design and capacity project of the stamping and pressing shop
5. Capacity calculation of the cutting line
6. Checking of the projects
7. The storages - Individual projects
8. Capacity computing (non-automated)
9. Capacity computing by using computer softwares
10. Choosing machine by using the choice lists
11. Proposal of the capacity
12. Computer softwares - different kinds of the computing methods (CRAFT etc.)
13. Economy of the projects, efficiency of the production, course-unit credits
Literature - fundamental:
1. Vigner,M.-Zelenka,A.-Král,M.: Metodika projektování výrobních procesů, , 0
2. J.T.BLACK: The Design of the Factory with a future, , 0
3. Rockstroh,W.: Technologické projekty, , 0
5. JEŽKOVÁ, Z., KREJČÍ, H., LACKO, B. a ŠVEC, J. Projektové řízení: Jak zvládnout projekty. Kuřim: Akademické centrum studentských aktivit, 2014, 381 s. ISBN 978-80-905297-1-7.
6. LACKO, B., ŠVEC, J. a BALATKOVÁ, M. Specifika technických sešitů: Pracovní sešit k publikaci Projektové řízení - Jak zvládnout projekty. Kuřim: Akademické centrum studentských aktivit, 2014. ISBN 978-80-905297-2-4.
Literature - recommended:
1. Rumíšek, P.: Technologické projekty, Brno, 1991, VUT - učební texty
2. Hlavenka,B.: Projektování výrobních systémů,Brno,1987,VUT - učební texty
3. Hlavenka,B.: Manipulace s materiálem (systémy a prostředky manipulace s materiálem), Brno,1983, VUT - učební texty
4. Milo,P.: Technologické projektovanie v praxi, Bratislava,1983, Alfa Bratislava
The study programmes with the given course:
Programme Study form Branch Spec. Final classification   Course-unit credits     Obligation     Level     Year     Semester  
B3S-K combined study B-STG Manufacturing Technology -- Cr,Ex 5 Compulsory 1 3 W