Energy Sources and Transformation (FSI-LZP)

Academic year 2021/2022
Supervisor: prof. Ing. Jiří Pospíšil, Ph.D.  
Supervising institute: all courses guaranted by this institute
Teaching language: Czech
Aims of the course unit:
The aim of the course is to familiarise students with the energy sources used in the world economy, as well as with various problems related to the present and future consumption. It is highlighted that the energy sources are limited and their transformation has a negative effect on the environment. Thus the use has to be as rational as possible. The students are urged to realise that the ecological and economic aspects between the energy sources and their consumption are interconnected.
Learning outcomes and competences:
The student will get acquainted with world power generation and trends of its developmentthe . They will be able to apply their own qualified opinion, consider the pros and cons of the different energy transformations, and to choose the appropriate variant as a solution to different tasks regarding power generation.
Knowledge of physics and thermodynamics at I/TU level
Course contents:
Learning outcomes of the course unit The subject of source and energy conversion is to acquaint students with primary and secondary energy sources, with methods of their transformation and consumption. Content of lectures: Overview of non-renewable and renewable energy sources, introduction to world reserves of fossil fuels, their properties and utilization. Primary energy sources for the Czech Republic. Consumption of energy resources. Theoretical principles of energy conversion into final consumption. Thermal cycles. Utilization of nuclear energy. Biomass, its use. Solar energy, systems design, wind power and small water power stations. The energy plants operated in the Czech Republic and their main components are presented. Electro-energetics of the Czech Republic is presented, including the flexibility of individual types of sources including the indication of environmental impacts. Current trends in the energy sector are continuously commented within the course.
Teaching methods and criteria:
The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline. Exercises are focused on practical topics presented in lectures. Participation in the exercise is mandatory.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes:
Credit requirements: active participation in the exercises. Examination consists of written and oral parts. The oral part tests basic knowledge of the thermo mechanics, which is considered as a minimum.
Controlled participation in lessons:
Participation in the exercises is systematically controlled.
Type of course unit:
    Lecture  13 × 3 hrs. optionally                  
    Exercise  13 × 1 hrs. compulsory                  
Course curriculum:
    Lecture 1 Primary and secondary energy sources, forms, types and transformations.
2 Solid fuels - types and properties, supplies, trade. Coal gasification.
3 Natural gas and oil - supplies and utilization.
4 Electric power industry, the need for PEZ in the world and in the Czech Republic
5 Thermal cycles and their analysis. Steam cycles, efficiency, implementation.
6 Increasing the efficiency of R-C circulation, ORC cycle, nuclear power plant circulation
7 Gas circuits, analysis and implementation. Steam-gas cycle.
8 District heating. Cogeneration with an internal combustion engine. Nuclear energy.
9 Solar energy
10 Photovoltaic systems
11 Wind energy
12 Hydroelectric power plants
13 Use of biomass
    Exercise 1. Introduction, SI units, balance calculations
2. Solar energy - calculation of energy gain of solar collector
3. Wind energy - calculation of wind turbine energy gain
4. Hydropower and biomass - calculation of hydropower power, the energy efficiency of photosynthesis
5. Geothermal energy - heat pump design
6. Rankine-Clausian cycle - methods of increasing the efficiency of the circulation
7. Summary test
Literature - fundamental:
2. Kazelle,Cenek: Obnovitelné zdroje energie,FCC Public 2002
3. Gilbert,Large:Konec Evropské éry,MF-2003
5. Dixon,S.L.:Fluid dynamics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery. Pergamon Press, London 2005
Literature - recommended:
1. Janotková:Termomechanika,skripta VUT 1995
2. Kaminský:Netradiční zdroje energie,skripta TU-VŠB Ostrava:2000
3. Kolektiv:Obnovitelné zdroje energie,ČEZ a.s.2003
4. KC Agrawal, Industrial Power Engineering Handbook, ISBN: 0-7506-73...
The study programmes with the given course:
Programme Study form Branch Spec. Final classification   Course-unit credits     Obligation     Level     Year     Semester  
N-ETI-P full-time study TEP Environmental Engineering -- Cr,Ex 5 Compulsory 2 1 W
N-ETI-P full-time study ENI Power Engineering -- Cr,Ex 5 Compulsory 2 1 W
N-ETI-P full-time study FLI Fluid Engineering -- Cr,Ex 5 Compulsory 2 1 W