Application of Embedded Systems in Mechatronics (FSI-REV)

Academic year 2021/2022
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Robert Grepl, Ph.D.  
Supervising institute: ÚMTMB all courses guaranted by this institute
Teaching language: Czech
Aims of the course unit:
* Intensive introduction to C programming language and algotithmization in a resource-constrained environment.
* MCU architecture overview and operation of peripherals
* Practical experience with application development on particular hardware (PIC18 family)
Learning outcomes and competences:
The students obtain theoreticall knowledge in the field of embedded systems applications, especially related to the architecture, methods of algorithmization and the best practice.
After passing this course, the students are able to deal with simple assignments in mechatronics independently, i.e. to analyse the problem, to propose a suitable solution and to implement it.
* Basic English for reading documentation and study materials
* Basic knowledge of algorithmization
* Basic knowledge of electronics' principles
Course contents:
Students will get familiar with fundamental concepts of the design and the development of the embedded systems, especially the architecture of embedded devices, principles of peripherals' operation and algorithmization in a resource-constrained environment.

The lectures cover theoreticall aspects, the seminars comprises a practice in C language programming and algorithmization. The laboratory part covers work with the development kits (PIC18-family controller).
Teaching methods and criteria:
The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline. Exercises are focused on practical topics presented in lectures. Teaching is suplemented by practical laboratory work.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes:
The evaluation is based on the standard point system 0-100b. The students can get up to 15 points for 3 tasks assigned during the semester, up to 50 points for 3 tests and ut to 35 points for individual semestral projects. In all cases, especially the fulfillment of functional requirements and the quality of the realization are the evaluation criteria.
Controlled participation in lessons:
Attendance at practical training is obligatory. Attendance at exercises is checked.
Type of course unit:
    Lecture  13 × 2 hrs. optionally                  
    Laboratory exercise  13 × 1 hrs. compulsory                  
    Computer-assisted exercise  13 × 1 hrs. compulsory                  
Course curriculum:
    Lecture * Introduction to C programming language
* Advanced structures in C
* Compiler, preprocesor, linker
* C standard library
* Advanced date structures
* Signal controller architecture
* PIC16 platform
* Registry-driven peripherals
* Serial communication interfaces - UART, SPI, I2C
* Analog peripherals
* compiler, standard libraries
    Laboratory exercise * UART interface
* I2C interfaces
* Analog-to-digital conversion
* Quadrature encoder
* Individual projects
    Computer-assisted exercise * C basics, functions
* Pointers, structures
* Libraries, separate compilation
* Parallel input/output
* Timers
* Interrupts
* Pulse-width modulation (PWM)
* Dynamically mapped I/O

Literature - fundamental:
1. Algorithms: Fundamental Techniques. Dostupne online:
2. Embedded Systems: Building and Programming Embedded Devices. Dostupne online:
3. Microchip Technology, Inc.: Dokumentace dsPIC33fj128mc804. Dostupne online:
Literature - recommended:
1. Herout, P.: Učebnice jazyka C
2. Mann, B.: C pro mikrokontroléry, Nakladatelství BEN, 2003
The study programmes with the given course:
Programme Study form Branch Spec. Final classification   Course-unit credits     Obligation     Level     Year     Semester  
B-MET-P full-time study --- no specialisation -- GCr 5 Compulsory 1 2 S