Theory of Measurements, Measurement Techniques and Technical Diagnostics (FSI-9TTD)

Academic year 2021/2022
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Stanislav Průša, Ph.D.  
Supervising institute: ÚFI all courses guaranted by this institute
Teaching language: Czech or English
Aims of the course unit:
Describe physical principles of selected measuring methods and measuring equipments.
Learning outcomes and competences:
Understanding of selected physical principles and their application in measurements, sensors and equipments.
Successful completion of the course is conditional on the knowledge and skills acquired in the courses "Physics I", "Physics II", "Metrological Physics".
Course contents:
The course introduces students to the theory of advanced measurement techniques and measuring systems with nanometer resolution.
Teaching methods and criteria:
The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes:
An examination composed from oral and written part.
Controlled participation in lessons:
Participation at every course parts.
Type of course unit:
    Lecture  10 × 2 hrs. optionally                  
Course curriculum:
    Lecture General definitions and theory. Statistics and data processing: classification of random parameters (Gaussian and uniform distribution). Law of error propagation. Experimental data processing.

Sensors: general classification, capacity sensors, sensors based on induction.

Advanced methods of visualisation and diagnostics: scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, scanning tunnelling microscopy.
Literature - fundamental:
1. DOEBELIN, O.D.: Measurement Systems. Application and Design.. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1990.
2. ORNATSKIJ, P.P.: Teoretičeskije osnovy informacionno-izměritělnoj techniki. Kijev: Vyšča škola, 1976.
3. Normy: Mezinárodní slovník základních a všeobecných termínů v metrologii.. ČSN 01 0115
4. BOX, G.E.P., HUNTER, W.G., HUNTER, J.S. Statistics for Experiments-an Introduction to Design, Data Analysis and Model Building, Wiley 1978
5. RIPKA, P.; TIPEK, A. Master Book of Sensors, part A, part B, Czech Technical University, 2003
6. WIESENDAGER. R., GUNTHERODT. J.H.: Scanning Tuneling Microscopy II, Springer 1995
7. REIMER, L, Scanning Electron Microscopy (2nd ed.), Springer,1998
8. WILIAMS, D. B., CARTER, C. B. Transmission Electron Microscopy (2nd ed.), Springer, 2009
Literature - recommended:
1. DOEBELIN, O.D.: Measurement Systems. Application and Design.. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1990.
2. Normy: Vyjadřování nejistoty při měření.
3. JENČÍK, J., KUHN, L. a další: Technická měření ve strojírenství.. Praha: SNTL, 1982.
The study programmes with the given course:
Programme Study form Branch Spec. Final classification   Course-unit credits     Obligation     Level     Year     Semester  
D-APM-P full-time study --- -- DrEx 0 Recommended course 3 1 W
D-APM-K combined study --- -- DrEx 0 Recommended course 3 1 W