Designing of Power Centrals (FSI-LPR)

Academic year 2021/2022
Supervisor: Ing. Petr Kracík, Ph.D.  
Supervising institute: all courses guaranted by this institute
Teaching language: Czech
Aims of the course unit:
The main aim of this course is to acquaint the students with the problems of designing power units, its important hubs and possibilities of optimization.
Learning outcomes and competences:
The course enables graduates to process project documentation in power engineering including optimization thermal calculations.
Knowledge of Boilers and Heat Exchangers, Energy Sources and Transformation and Thermal Turbines I
Course contents:
The course continues the theoretical basics of the field obtained in the courses Energy Sources and Transformation, Boilers and Heat Exchangers and Thermal Turbines I. It focuses on planning and designing of power units, heat distribution (cooling) system and energy consumption. It includes optimization calculations of thermal diagrams and partial components of power plant and CHP plant with focus on economic aspects.
Teaching methods and criteria:
The course is taught in the form of lectures that have the character of explaining basic principles and theory of the mentioned discipline.
The calculation classes will be based around Open Source software OpenModelica. During the semester, video-lectures will be regularly released on University Moodle website. The videos will contain theory to each section and their implementation into the program. There will be individual assignments corresponding to covered topics. At the given scheduled time for the class there will be computer lab available, where individual consultations can take place.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes:
Credit requirements: active participation in seminars, submission of given project according to the set deadline.
Exam requirements: written part in the form of questions and numerical problems, oral part in the form of discussion on given topic.
Controlled participation in lessons:
The presence on lectures is recommended and will be delivered according to the schedule.
Calculation classes: submission of all calculation assignments
Type of course unit:
    Lecture  13 × 3 hrs. optionally                  
    Computer-assisted exercise  13 × 2 hrs. compulsory                  
Course curriculum:
    Lecture 1. Introduction to power engineering design, project progress
2. Electrical power engineering, power generation balance, centralised / decentralised generation, Smart Grids.
3. – 4. Thermodynamic cycle of steam power plants.
5. Construction planning, engine room dispositions, boiler rooms, auxiliary equipment, project documentation.
6. Heat and cold supply, district heating and its indicators.
7. Heat and power demand determination, source sizing
8. Diagrams of energy centres with steam turbine.
9. Diagrams of energy centres with gas turbine, gas-steam cycle power plant, cogeneration units with combustion engines.
10. District heating grids.
11. Conditions of sustainability of district heating systems and possibilities of its ecologisation.
12. Fundamental economic concepts, specifics of energetics industry.
13. Tools for economic evaluation of the project, forms of financial subsidy.
    Computer-assisted exercise 1. Introduction – installation of OpenModelica, graphical editor, declarative programming, syntax
2. Modelling fundamentals – data types, SI units, component interfaces, conservation laws fundamentals
3. Ordinary differential equations – use, meaning, numerical solution, inclusion of events
4. Ordinary differential equations – non-stationary flow of incompressible media (branched pipe system),
5. Partial differential equations – non-stationary heat transfer through solid wall, thermodynamic property of the media,
6. Partial differential equations – advection, one-dimensional simulation of heat exchanger,
7. Steam power plant diagrams – turbine blocks, pumps,
8. Steam power plant diagrams – boilers, condensers, feed chambers, chillers
9. Steam power plant diagrams – efficiency, regenerators, steam extraction points, carnotization.
10. Steam power plant diagrams – generators, motors, internal power consumption,
11. – 12. Machine learning – optimization of model parameters, system identification
13. Grading
Literature - fundamental:
1. KADRNOŽKA, J. a L. OCHRANA. Teplárenství. 1. Brno: CERM, 2001, 178 s. ISBN 80-7204-222-X.
2. KRBEK, J., B. POLESNÝ aj. FIEDLER. Strojní zařízení tepelných centrál: návrh a výpočet. Brno: PC-DIR, 1999, 217 s. Učební texty vysokých škol (Vysoké učení technické v Brně). ISBN 80-214-1334-4.
3. KRBEK, J., L. OCHRANA a B. POLESNÝ. Zásobování teplem a kogenerace. Brno: PC-DIR Real, 1999, 143 s. Učební texty vysokých škol (Vysoké učení technické v Brně). ISBN 80-214-1347-6.
Literature - recommended:
1. KADRNOŽKA, J. a Z. SKÁLA. Paroplynové elektrárny a teplárny. 1. Praha: SNTL, 1981.
2. POLESNÝ, B. Teplárenství a potrubní sítě. Vyd. 2. Brno: Ediční středisko VUT, 1989. ISBN 80-214-0057-9.
The study programmes with the given course:
Programme Study form Branch Spec. Final classification   Course-unit credits     Obligation     Level     Year     Semester  
N-ETI-P full-time study ENI Power Engineering -- Cr,Ex 6 Compulsory 2 2 W