Testing of Materials and Products (FSI-DZM-K)

Academic year 2021/2022
Supervisor: Ing. Karel Němec, Ph.D.  
Supervising institute: ÚMVI all courses guaranted by this institute
Teaching language: Czech
Aims of the course unit:
The course is concerned with the input material or the product testing in shanking technology. The purpose is to demonstrate alternatives of individual testing methods and their importance in practice.
Learning outcomes and competences:
The course allows students to obtain a view of testing equipment and methods which are used at destructive and non-destructive testing of constructional materials.
Knowledge from courses of "Materials Science and Engineering" and "Structure and Material Properties" are required.
Course contents:
Using appropriate testing methods it is possible to determine the utilization of a material in a given technical application, to determine defects of materials (open-grain structures, inclusions, cracks, etc.) and to assess any possible degradation of the applied material during an operation (wear, occurrence of fatigue cracks, etc.). As a part of the course, the description, importance and application of the most important mechanical, technological and non-destructive tests is given. Attention is also paid to fundamentals of phase and structural analyses using light microscopy.
Teaching methods and criteria:
The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline. Teaching is suplemented by practical laboratory work.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes:
The course-unit credit requirements: attendance at exercises and to working-out all protocols according to teacher’s instructions. The exam consists of two parts. The written part contains five questions from topics presented during the semester. At the verbal part students will answer questions concerning the written part and other complementary questions.
The degree of mastering the problem and the fulfillment of the intermediate requirements is assessed by the teacher by the ECTS classification.
Controlled participation in lessons:
Exercises are compulsory. Absence from the exercises must be properly excused. The course-unit credit is awarded on condition of having worked out several individual presentations during the semester.
Type of course unit:
    Guided consultation in combined form of studies  1 × 9 hrs. compulsory                  
    Guided consultation  1 × 34 hrs. optionally                  
    Laboratory exercise  1 × 9 hrs. compulsory                  
Course curriculum:
    Guided consultation in combined form of studies 1. The volume shanking testing.
2. Testing of the friction coefficient at shanking.
3. Deep-drawing sheet testing.
4. Method of nets, FLD diagrams.
5. Method of surface defect determination (capillary method etc.).
6. Method of inherit defect determination (X-ray).
7. Method of inherit defect determination (scan etc.).
8. Light microscopy and metallography.
9. The static tensile test.
10. Brittle failure of materials.
11. Fatigue of materials and testing I.
12. Fatigue of materials and testing II.
13. Creep and relaxation.
    Guided consultation 1. The volume shanking testing.
2. Testing of the friction coefficient at shanking.
3. Deep-drawing sheet testing.
4. Method of nets, FLD diagrams.
5. Method of surface defect determination (capillary method etc.).
6. Method of inherit defect determination (X-ray).
7. Method of inherit defect determination (scan etc.).
8. Light microscopy and metallography.
9. The static tensile test.
10. Brittle failure of materials.
11. Fatigue of materials and testing I.
12. Fatigue of materials and testing II.
13. Creep and relaxation.
    Laboratory exercise 1. The volume shanking testing according to CIRP.
2. The ring upsetting testing.
3. The surface anisotropy evalution.
4. The evalution of the ring network cup.
5. Capilary and magnetic tests.
6. Radiography testing (X-ray).
7. Scan testing.
8. Light microscopy and microhardness.
9. The static tensile test.
10. Brittle failure of materials.
11. Fatigue of materials and testing I.
12. Fatigue of materials and testing II.
13. Test and the credit.
Literature - fundamental:
1. Ashby, F.M.-Jones, D.R.H.: Engineering Materials I, II, , 0
2. Dowling, E.N.: Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, , 0
3. Wood, W.A.: The Study of Metal Structures and their Mechanical Properties, , 0
Literature - recommended:
1. Pluhař, J. a kol.: Nauka o materiálech, , 0
2. Pluhař, J. - Koritta, J.: Strojírenské materiály, , 0
3. Veles, P.: Mechanické vlastnosti a skúšanie kovov, , 0
The study programmes with the given course:
Programme Study form Branch Spec. Final classification   Course-unit credits     Obligation     Level     Year     Semester  
B-STR-K combined study STG Manufacturing Technology -- Cr,Ex 5 Compulsory-optional 1 2 S