Fundamentals of Aircraft Structures (FSI-DLT)

Academic year 2023/2024
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Ivo Jebáček, Ph.D.  
Supervising institute: all courses guaranted by this institute
Teaching language: Czech
Aims of the course unit:
Learning outcomes of the course unit The aim of the course is to provide students with basic knowledge of airframe design and aircraft onboard systems so that they understand their function in terms of flight characteristics, reliability and safety of flight operations.
Learning outcomes and competences:
Students will gain knowledge and basic experience in the field of aircraft design and aircraft control systems. This knowledge is essential for the successful completion of the initial flight training.
Basic knowledge of material science, mathematics and physics.
Course contents:
Aircraft and its parts, fuselage, types of structures, force loading, cabin windows. Wing, types of structures, wing loading, means of increasing buoyancy and resistance. Stabilization surfaces, vertical, horizontal, acting forces, fluttering, materials. Landing gear, types, construction, landing gear wheels, shock absorbers, landing gear vibrations. Aircraft control, requirements, control forces, means of relieving, balancing, warning devices.
Teaching methods and criteria:
The course is taught in the form of lectures that have the character of explanation of basic principles and theory of the given discipline. The exercise is focused on practical mastery of the subject matter covered in the lectures.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes:
Course-unit credit is awarded on condition of having attended the lectures 80%. Absence hours can be replaced by independent study and independent processing of prescribed tasks. Graded course-unit credit is based on test results.
Controlled participation in lessons:
If the participation in lessons is less than 80%, the student proves that he / she has elaborated and supplemented the lessons. Missed lessons can be compensated to a limited extent by consultations.
Type of course unit:
    Lecture  13 × 2 hrs. compulsory                  
Course curriculum:

1. Aircraft Requirements.
2. Aircraft loading. Maneuvers, gusts, ground loads. Multiple.
3. Airworthiness requirements. Definitions and terms. Flight Envelopes. Load cases.
4. Wing structure, external shapes, load.

5. Leading and trailing edge. Flaps, slats, spoilers, brakes. Constructional solutions.
5. One, two, or more beam structures, strength calculation
6. Single and multi-box construction under general load.
7. Loads of joints and hinges
8. Horizontal and vertical tail surfaces. Structural design and loading
9. Fuselage. Purpose, requirements, and fuselage design. Pressurized cabins. Lattice structures.
10. Control. Control systems. Design of control elements.
11. Powerplant, engine location, engine mount.
12. Landing gear. Requirements, classification, and arrangement. Load and design.

Literature - fundamental:
3. AVIATIONEXAM, JAA/EASA-FCL Test Prep, 021Airframe, Systems, Engines & Electrics, 2012.
4. Mikula J.: Konstrukce a projektování letadel I, skripta ČVUT, Praha, 2004.
5. Mikula J: Konstrukce a projektování letadel II, skripta ČVUT, Praha, 2006.
Literature - recommended:
5. Čalkovský, A., Pávek, J., Daněk, V.: Konstrukce a pevnost letadel, I. a II. VA Brno,1985.
6. Kolektiv autorů: Učebnice pilota, Svět křídel, Cheb, 2019.
The study programmes with the given course:
Programme Study form Branch Spec. Final classification   Course-unit credits     Obligation     Level     Year     Semester  
B-PRP-P full-time study --- no specialisation -- GCr 3 Compulsory 1 1 S