Advanced Materials in Design (FSI-YAM)

Academic year 2024/2025
Supervisor: doc. akad. soch. Ladislav Křenek, ArtD.  
Supervising institute: ÚK all courses guaranted by this institute
Teaching language: Czech
Aims of the course unit:

Students will be acquainted with the overview and technologies of production of advanced materials, but especially with the potential benefit of their applications in industrial design. Students will be able to analyze material composition of products and work with tools for environmental impact assessment.

The student acquires:
- The knowledge of current and advanced materials.
- The ability of environmental impact analysis.
- The ability to identify the ecological aspects of design work.

Learning outcomes and competences:
Course contents:
Teaching methods and criteria:
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes:
Controlled participation in lessons:
Type of course unit:
    Lecture  13 × 1 hrs. optionally                  
    Studio work   13 × 2 hrs. compulsory                  
Course curriculum:
    Lecture - Introduction to problems, familiarization with the environmental significance of advanced materials, standards and regulations.
- Production options (injection molding, 3D printing, bending, ...).
- Material analysis of selected products with subsequent product lifecycle processing.
- Polymers (meaning, properties, use).
- Composites (meaning, properties, use).
- Metals (meaning, properties, use).
- Glass (meaning, properties, use).
- Textile materials (meaning, properties, use).
- Concrete and ceramics (meaning, properties, use).
- Recycled and multi-circular materials (meaning, properties, uses).
- Interactive materials (meaning, properties, use).
- Bonding of semi-finished products (meaning, properties, use).
- Potential of products using non-traditional materials.
    Studio work - Introduction to the workshops.
- Get familiar with eco-design tools.
- Assessment of material composition of current products, subsequent product life cycle analysis.
- Design concept from advanced materials.
- Product Design of Advanced Materials.
- Design concept from advanced materials, credit test.
- Design of advanced materials products.
- Product Design of Advanced Materials.
- Design of advanced materials products.
- Oral presentation of assigned tasks students.
- Credit test, product life cycle analysis of the product.
Literature - fundamental:
1. ASHBY, M. F. a David R. H. JONES, 2013. Engineering materials 2: an introduction to microstructures and processing. Fourth edition. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 978-008-0966-687.
2. ASHBY, M. F., c2009. Materials and the environment: eco-informed material choice. Burlington: Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 978-1-85617-608-8.
3. GILES F. CARTER AND DONALD E. PAUL., 1991. Materials science. Materials Park, Ohio: ASM International. ISBN 978-161-5039-845.
4. KULA, Daniel, Elodie TERNAUX a Quentin HIRSINGER. c2012. Materiology: průvodce světem materiálů a technologií pro architekty a designéry. Praha: Happy Materials. ISBN 978-80-260-0538-4
5. MateriO’ | the material library your projects deserve [online]. 2016. Paris: materiO’ [cit. 2016-10-20]. Dostupné z:
6. ISO 14044:2006: Environmental management -- Life cycle assessment -- Requirements and guidelines, 2006. Switzerland: International Organization for Standardization
Literature - recommended:
1. Intro to Life Cycle Analysis, 2012. MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology [online]. Cambridge: MIT [cit. 2017-10-26]. Dostupné z:
2. SOPHIE HALLSTEDT., 2008. A foundation for sustainable product development. Karlskrona: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology. ISBN 978-917-2951-365.
3. BEY, Niky, 2000. The Oil Point Method - A tool for indicative environmental evaluation in material and process selection. Lyngby, Denmark. Dizertační práce. Technical University of Denmark.
4. Směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady 2009/125/ES, 2009. EUR-Lex - Access to European Union law - choose your language [online]. [cit. 2017-10-27]. Dostupné z:
The study programmes with the given course:
Programme Study form Branch Spec. Final classification   Course-unit credits     Obligation     Level     Year     Semester  
B-PDS-P full-time study --- no specialisation -- Cr,Ex 3 Compulsory 1 3 S