History of Art up to 18th Century (FSI-YU3)

Academic year 2024/2025
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Jiří Tauber, Ph.D.  
Supervising institute: ÚK all courses guaranted by this institute
Teaching language: Czech
Aims of the course unit:

Graduates will be able to know the history and theory of fine arts, arts and crafts and design in antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo. The subject will expand and deepen the horizons and orientation of students in the history of art from the beginning to the 18th century.

The student acquires:
- The output of the subject is an orientation in the history of fine art from the 18th century with a focus on Europe.
- Knowledge of fundaments of individual movements.
- Knowledge of characterization of individual movements.
- Knowledge of significant representatives of individual movements.

Learning outcomes and competences:
Course contents:
Teaching methods and criteria:
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes:
Controlled participation in lessons:
Type of course unit:
    Lecture  13 × 3 hrs. optionally                  
Course curriculum:

- Introduction - the fields of fine arts and their characteristics, applied art, Arts and Crafts, periodization, characterization of style, basic concepts (realistic, naturalistic, expressive, abstraction, composition, idealization, linear, geometric, organic,...).
- Prehistoric art (paleolithic, neolithic, megalithic structures, functions, sculpture, painting, crafts).
- Egypt, Mesopotamia, Crete, Mycenae.
- Ancient Greece, the art of the Etrusks, the Romans
- Art of the Early Christian, Byzantine, Early Middle Ages (pre-Carolinian, Carolinian).
- Romanesque art (architecture, sculpture, painting, artisanal crafts in European countries and in our country).
- Gothic (architecture, sculpture, painting, crafts in European countries and in our country).
- Early Renaissance - architecture, sculpture, painting and artistic crafts of the Renaissance period in Italy, other European countries, the Renaissance in Bohemia and Moravia.
- High Renaissance - Architecture, Sculpture, Painting and - Renaissance Art Crafts in Italy.
- Mannerism - architecture, sculpture, painting and artistic crafts of the Renaissance period in Italy.
- Baroque 1 - architecture and sculpture in the spirit of radical Baroque and Baroque Classicism.
- Baroque 2 - painting and arts crafts in the spirit of radical Baroque and Baroque Classicism.
- Baroque realism in painting, Rococo - painting and arts.

Literature - fundamental:
1. GOMBRICH, E.H. The story of art. 16. ed. London: Phaidon, 1995. ISBN 9780714832470.
2. PIJOAN, José.: Dějiny umění 1-8. Praha: Odeon/Euromedia, 1986/2004

HUYGHE, René. Larousse, Umění a lidstvo. Praha: Odeon, 1974. ISBN AS93001.

Literature - recommended:
1. BEARD, Lee. The art book. New ed.; 2nd ed. rev., expanded and updated. New York: Phaidon Press, 2012. ISBN 0714864676.
2. HUYGHE, René. Larousse, Umění a lidstvo. Praha: Odeon, 1974. ISBN AS93001
3. RILEY, Noël, ed. Dějiny užitého umění: vývoj užitého umění a stylistických prvků od renesance do postmoderní doby. Praha: Slovart, c2004. ISBN 80-7209-549-8.
The study programmes with the given course:
Programme Study form Branch Spec. Final classification   Course-unit credits     Obligation     Level     Year     Semester  
B-PDS-P full-time study --- no specialisation -- Ex 3 Compulsory 1 2 W