
Academic year 2019/2020
Branch: M-TEP Environmental Engineering Grade: 2
full-time study Year: 2
Course Credits Scope Assesment  Superv. Inst. Supervisor
winter semester
IHVNoise and Vibrationscs 4 P: 13 × 2
L: 13 × 1
Cr,Ex prof. Ing. Jan Jedelský, Ph.D.
IKVCompact Heat Exchangerscs 4 P: 13 × 2
CPP: 13 × 1
Cr,Ex Ing. Jiří Hejčík, Ph.D.
IPMComputer Modelling IIcs 4 P: 13 × 2
CPP: 13 × 1
GCr prof. Ing. Miroslav Jícha, CSc.
IRPYear Projectcs 3 CPP: 13 × 3
Cr Ing. Jiří Hejčík, Ph.D.
IVKVentilation and Air Conditioning Ics 9 P: 13 × 5
CPP: 13 × 2
Cr,Ex doc. Ing. Bc. Jan Fišer, Ph.D.
IVTHeatingcs 8 P: 13 × 3
CPP: 13 × 2
Cr,Ex doc. Ing. Jaroslav Katolický, Ph.D.
Elective (voluntary)
0ZCAcademic Sources and Citationscs 2 CPP: 13 × 1
Cr FSI Mgr. Oldřiška Šepelová
summer semester
IARAutomation and Controlcs 4 P: 13 × 2
L: 13 × 1
Cr,Ex ÚAI Ing. František Vdoleček, CSc.
ID5Diploma Project (M-TEP)cs 12 VD: 13 × 12
Cr doc. Ing. Pavel Charvát, Ph.D.
ID6Diploma Seminar (M-TEP)cs 2 C1: 13 × 2
Cr doc. Ing. Michal Jaroš, Dr.
IEEExperimental Methods IIcs 4 P: 13 × 2
L: 13 × 1
Cr,Ex prof. Ing. Milan Pavelek, CSc.
IESEnergy Simulationscs 3 P: 13 × 1
CPP: 13 × 1
GCr doc. Ing. Pavel Charvát, Ph.D.
IV2Ventilation and Air-Conditioning IIcs 3 P: 13 × 1
CPP: 13 × 1
GCr doc. Ing. Bc. Jan Fišer, Ph.D.
7AZEnglish - Exam B1en 0 Z: 1 × 1
Ex ÚJ Mgr. Dita Gálová, Ph.D.
Overview winter semestersummer semestertotal
total number of credits 32 28 60
average number of lessons per week 24 24,08 24,04
average number of exams 4 3 7