Design of Control Systems (FSI-VNS)

Academic year 2019/2020
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Branislav Lacko, CSc.  
Supervising institute: ÚAI all courses guaranted by this institute
Teaching language: Czech
Aims of the course unit:
The course objective is to make students familiar with with the definition, purpose and different types control and information systems and the description of control and information systems analysis and design including object oriented design. Students will understand the principles of CASE products and quality of software and a mathematical method of modern project management will be described to them.
Learning outcomes and competences:
Students will acquire the skills to design and project modern control systems (identification of problems and requirements, current status analysis, design of data and functions for automatic control, planning and realization of projects).
The following knowledge is assumed : Hardware and software personal computers. Computer Networks LAN and WAN. Operation environment MS Windows and Linux. Relation Data Base Systems. Theory of Information. Theory of Automatic Control. Programming in Language C++ or Turbo Pascal. Skills: System Approach. Systematic Think.
Course contents:
The course is concerned with the following topics: Structure and design of modern enterprise information systems and CIM Systems. Classification, components, architecture and functions of information systems. Different software life cycles, structure design methods, object oriented design methods. Architecture and function CASE products. Principles, functions and using of computer aided software products. The problems of software quality (ISO 25000), capability maturity process model CMM, V-testing model and ISO 9000 standards. Some mathematical methods of project management (CPM, PERT, EVM, MTA etc.)and risk project control are described.
Teaching methods and criteria:
The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline. Exercises are focused on practical topics presented in lectures.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes:
Graded course-unit credit requirements: working out a seminar work - Control System Design
Controlled participation in lessons:
Attendance at lectures is recommended. Attendance at seminars is required. Missed seminars must be compensated.
Type of course unit:
    Lecture  13 × 4 hrs. optionally                  
    Exercise  7 × 1 hrs. compulsory                  
    Computer-assisted exercise  6 × 1 hrs. compulsory                  
Course curriculum:
    Lecture Lecture:
1 Components, Functions and Architecture of Information and Control Systems
2 System Integration of Control Systems Delivery
3 Software Life Cycle Development Models
4 Structured and Object Oriented Design Methods of Control Systems
5 Functions and Contents of Computer Aided Software Engineering Products
6 Software Quality and Testing of Programs
7 Capability Maturity Model and V Model
8 Using of Control Systems
9 Design of Control System Projects - stanfdard ISO 21500
10 Net Analysis and Detailed Planning of Control System Projects
11 Implementation of Control System Projects
12 Teamwork and Team Organization of Control System Implementation.
13 Risk Analysis of Control System Projects standasrd EN 62198
    Exercise Example of demand of control system.
Example of supply of control system.
Example of multicriteria decision analysis for control system selection.
    Computer-assisted exercise Case study solution by computer support with next
-current status analysis
-analysis of user system requirements
-design of system (data structures and functions at UML diagrams)
-project of system realization
Literature - fundamental:
1. Arlow,J.-Neustad,I.: UML and the Unified Process Practical Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. Pearson Education Ltd., 2002, 387 p.
2. Doležal, J.: a kol.: Projektový manangement podle IPMA. Grada Publishing 2009 Praha
3. Král,J.- Demner,J.: Softwarové inženýrství. Academia 1991 Praha, 324
4. Voříšek,J.: Strategické řízení informačního systému a systémová integrace. Management Press 1997 Praha,323 s.
5. Polák,J.-Merunka,V.-Carda,A.: Umění systémového návrhu(metoda BORM). Grada Publishing 2003 Praha, 196s.
6. Tichý,M.: Ovládání rizika. BECK 2006 Praha
7. Smejkal,V.-Rais,K.: Řízení rizik. Grada Publishing 2006 Praha (2.rozšíření vydání)
8. McCarthy,J.: Softwarové projekty. Computer Press 1999 Praha,190s.
9. Shinners, S. M. Advanced Modern Control System: Theory and Design.
Literature - recommended:
1. Lacko,B.: Projektování řídicích systémů. Studijní opora VUT FSI Brno 2002
2. Molnár Z.: Moderní metody řízení informačních systémů, Grada Pubishing 1996 Praha
3. Lacko,B.: Systémy CIM. Studijní opora VUT Brno 2002
4. Shinners, S. M. Advanced Modern Control System: Theory and Design.
The study programmes with the given course:
Programme Study form Branch Spec. Final classification   Course-unit credits     Obligation     Level     Year     Semester  
B3S-P full-time study B-AIŘ Applied Computer Science and Control -- GCr 3 Elective (voluntary) 1 3 W