Chapters of Materials Engineering (FSI-0ME)

Academic year 2021/2022
Supervisor: prof. Ing. Martin Trunec, Dr.  
Supervising institute: ÚMVI all courses guaranted by this institute
Teaching language: Czech
Aims of the course unit:
The course should overcome the differences ina knowledgeof materials engineering between graduatesof general bachelor’sstudy and study focused on materials engineering. It should also create conditions tosuccessful finishthe master’s studyfor these students.
Learning outcomes and competences:
The course"Lectures of materials engineering” allowsto extend student’sknowledge of construction materials, methods of their preparation and thermal processing. Students become familiar with the production as well as operating degradation processes of materials. Another output isa knowledge of the experimental techniques forobservation and evaluation of the structures and the mechanical properties of materials.
The course future extends knowledge gained in the bachelor’scourses:the Basics introduction to material science and engineering, Structure and properties of materials, Physics of materials,Limit states of materials and structures, Manufacturing technology.

Course contents:
The course "Lectures of materials engineering" should provide necessary additional knowledge to students studying the master programme“Materials engineering”. Itis intended for absolvents of bachelor programmes of general types, which do not cover this topic.It is focused onthe set of basic knowledge, which includes the metallic and non-metallic materials, their production and their thermal processing. Students gain a knowledge of engineering materials,its degradation processes and modern experimental methods for testing of materials. Attendance of the course is a prerequisite for a creative work in the field of materials engineering.
Teaching methods and criteria:
The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline. Teaching is extendedby practical laboratory work.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes:
Students have to participate in all practices, prepare all laboratory reports in appropriate scientific and graphic level. The main part of the final exam is in written form andverifies a knowledge of topics provided to students in the beginning of the course. In the oralpart students answer further questionsto proof their particular knowledge. Overall classification includes: evaluation of laboratory reports andresults of written as well as oral part of the final exam.
Controlled participation in lessons:
Participation in practices is mandatory, must be properly excused absence. Attendance in the practices will be checked.Absences have to be properlyexcused.Students have to submit their laboratory reportscontinuously. A knowledge of discussedtopics will be checked inshort tests. In the case of sick leave in practice given topic will be substitutedby individual work.
Type of course unit:
    Lecture  13 × 2 hrs. optionally                  
    Laboratory exercise  13 × 1 hrs. compulsory                  
Course curriculum:
    Lecture Lectures:
1. The selected group of folded and cast iron alloys
2. The selected group of non-ferrous metal alloys
3. The structure and properties of non-metallic materials
4. Technology of conditioning of non-metallic materials
5. Controlled atmospheres for heat and chemical-heat treatment
6. Vacuum and low pressure technologies for heat and chemical-heat treatment
7. Degradation of materials, explanation of the concept, manufacturing degradation.
8. Degradation of materials, service degradation.
9. The light microscopy and preparation of samples
10. Electron microscopy, chemical and X-ray phase analysis and dilatometry
11.Microstructural parameters. Evaluation of surface layers and welds
12.Highcycle and lowcycle fatigue of metal materials
13.Brittle failure of materials.
    Laboratory exercise Laboratory exercises:
1. The structure and properties of the selected design and tool steel
2. The structure and properties of the selected types of non-ferrous metal alloys
3. Chemical thermodynamics
4. Technology and the use of glass, ceramics and polymers, and the link between their properties
5. Quenching media and its control
6. Control oftemperature and atmospheres
7. Examples of manufacturing degradation, including defects.
8. Examples of service degradation.
9. Samples preparation and evaluation of structures with a light microscope
10.The local chemical microanalysisby SEM(EDS and WDS)
11.Evaluation of microstructural parameters
12.Fatigue of materials and its testing
13.Impact test, fracture toughness test
Literature - fundamental:
1. Ashby, F.M., Jones, D.R.H. Engineering Materials I, II, Pergamon Press, Ltd., England 1989
2. Hanke, L.D.: Handbook of analytical methods for materials, Materials evaluation andEngineering, Inc. 2001
The study programmes with the given course:
Programme Study form Branch Spec. Final classification   Course-unit credits     Obligation     Level     Year     Semester  
N-MTI-P full-time study --- no specialisation -- GCr 4 Elective 2 1 W