Engineering Materials - Selected Topics (FSI-0SV)

Academic year 2021/2022
Supervisor: Ing. Eva Molliková, Ph.D.,Paed IGIP  
Supervising institute: ÚMVI all courses guaranted by this institute
Teaching language: Czech
Aims of the course unit:
This subject is created as a repeating and refreshing to the subject 3SV - Structure and properties of materials and its aim is to help students:
- to make clear informations about composition, structure, technological treatment and mechanical properties of materials
- to understand the fundametals of above-mentioned phenomenons.
Learning outcomes and competences:
This subject is created as a repeating and refreshing to the subject 3SV - Structure and properties of materials and as well as it gives:
- knowledge about relationship between chemical composition, structure and technological properties of materials
- informations necessary to exploatation of materials in practice

Basic course 2BUM - Introduction to material sciences.
Course contents:
The subject - with great space for questions and in more or less discussion form - sorts and complements informations given in parallel subject 3SV - Structure and properties of materials. Talk will be about:
- fase transformations during the heat treatment of metals and alloys
- structural materials (metals,ceramics, polymers and composites) - their chemical composition and technological treatment in relation to their crystallographic, sub-structural, structural, and mechanical properties
- degradation processes resulting from the practical application of these materials
- principles of selecting materials for engineering constructions.
Teaching methods and criteria:
The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes:
The subject is facultative and voluntary - finished with credit. student must be active and interested in problems of studied subject.
Controlled participation in lessons:
The subject is facultative and voluntary - finished with credit. student must be active and interested in problems of studied subject.
Type of course unit:
    Lecture  13 × 2 hrs. optionally                  
Course curriculum:
    Lecture 1+2. repeating of 2BUM - Introduction to material sciences
3. Metllurgy of ferrous alloys,
4+5. Phase transformations in Fe-C alloys
6+7. Heat treatment of Fe-C alloys
8+9. Structural material based on Fe-C alloys
10. Non-ferrous materials
11. Advanced ceramics
12. Advanced polymers
13. Composites
Literature - fundamental:
1. Callister, W.D., Jr. Materials Science and Engineering, John Wil...
2. Ashby, F.M., Jones, D.R.H. Engineering Materials I, II, Pergamon... 2004
Literature - recommended:
1. Ashby, F.M., Jones, D.R.H. Engineering Materials I, II, Pergamon.....
2. Ptáček L. et al. Materials science II (in Czech), CERM, Brno 2002
3. Fiala J. et al: Struktura a vlastnosti materiálů, Academia, Praha 2003
4. Pluhař, J. et al. Material science (in Czech), SNTL, Praha, 1989
The study programmes with the given course:
Programme Study form Branch Spec. Final classification   Course-unit credits     Obligation     Level     Year     Semester  
B-ZSI-P full-time study MTI Materials Engineering -- Cr 0 Elective 1 2 W
B-MET-P full-time study --- no specialisation -- Cr 0 Elective 1 2 W