Diploma Seminar (M-KSB) (FSI-XD8)

Academic year 2023/2024
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Róbert Jankových, CSc.  
Supervising institute: ÚVSSR all courses guaranted by this institute
Teaching language: Czech
Aims of the course unit:
The aim of the course is to teach students how to present the outcomes of their own work and to prepare themselves for the final defence.
Learning outcomes and competences:
Students will be made familiar with general principles of working out a project. They will be able to elaborate documentation for the solved problem, and to present orally the results obtained in the course of working out the project.
Students must have prepared the outcomes obtained when working out their diploma theses.
Course contents:

The course continues to address issues that were assigned as a diploma project.

In order to verify and improve the verbal presentation of the results of the solution, the student defends the proposed method of solution in front of the teachers and classmates and presents the achieved results.

Teaching methods and criteria:
The course is taught through consultations.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes:
Requirements for credits: Present results in written form – cca 20 pages.
Controlled participation in lessons:
Attendance in the course is recommended.
Type of course unit:
    Exercise  13 × 2 hrs. optionally                  
Course curriculum:

1. Introduction, specification of thesis requirements
2. Methodology for diploma work
3. Basics of rhetoric
4. Written and oral presentation
5. Credit

Literature - fundamental:
1. HIERHOLD, E. Rétorika a prezentace. 1 vyd. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2005. 392 s. ISBN 80-214-0802-2.
2. ČSN ISO 215:2001. Dokumentace - Formální úprava příspěvků do periodik a jiných seriálových publikací. Praha: ČNI, 2001.
3. ČSN ISO 7144. Formální úprava disertací a podobných dokumentů. Praha: ČNI, 1996.
4. ČSN ISO 690. Pravidla pro bibliografické odkazy a citace informačních zdrojů. Praha: UNMZ, 2011.
Literature - recommended:
1. POKORNÝ, J. Myslet kreativně, 1. vyd. Brno: CERM, 2004. 124 s. ISBN 80-7204-324-2.
2. POKORNÝ, J. Paměť, učení, tvořivost. 1. vyd. Brno: VUT v Brně, 1996. 78 s. ISBN 80-214-0802-2.
The study programmes with the given course:
Programme Study form Branch Spec. Final classification   Course-unit credits     Obligation     Level     Year     Semester  
N-KSB-P full-time study --- no specialisation -- Cr 3 Compulsory 2 2 S