Risk Management of Machinery and Electrical Equipment (FSI-GMR-K)

Academic year 2023/2024
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Petr Blecha, Ph.D., FEng.  
Supervising institute: ÚVSSR all courses guaranted by this institute
Teaching language: Czech
Aims of the course unit:
The objective of the course is to introduce the student to the requirements on the safety of production machines and equipment, methods of system approach to risk identification in production machines, analysis of risks, their assessment, minimalisation and documentation.
Learning outcomes and competences:
The student understands the requirements on the safety of production machines and equipment and learns to apply the systematic and methodical approach to design, construction and applications of production machines and systems from the viewpoint of their safety.
Knowledge of construction of production machines and their structure components.
Course contents:
The course focuses on the system approach to hazard identification and risk analysis in production machines and equipment, assessment of the detected risks and their management.
Teaching methods and criteria:
The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline. Exercises are focused on practical topics presented in lectures. In the frame of course are presented case studies focused on to causations and consquences of various technical disasters. The exercises include individual work of students.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes:


A condition for the award of credit is participation in the exercises and the preparation of a semester project in the scope corresponding to the Methodological Approach to Risk Analysis and Risk Reduction (especially according to lecture 6). Scope of the semester project:

  • Description of the equipment under assessment
  • Analysis of EU legislation for the equipment under assessment
  • Analysis of harmonised standards for the equipment under assessment
  • Hazard identification based on the block diagram of the equipment under assessment
  • Hazard identification based on the life cycle of the equipment under assessment
  • List of all identified hazards with their initial risks
  • Application of the iterative three-step method to reduce risks for ten different hazards


Test consisting of 25 questions (max. 25 points).
Semester project on an approved topic (max. 5 points) for which the following is assessed:

  • Correctness of the analysis of EU and Czech legislation for the assessed installation (1 point)
  • Correct analysis of harmonised standards for the equipment under consideration and their application in risk reduction (1 point)
  • Completeness of the list of all identified hazards (1 point)
  • Design of risk reduction design measures (step 1) in accordance with harmonised standard type C or B as appropriate (1 point)
  • Correctness of the formulation of the risk reduction information (step 3) in the form of safety instructions in the instructions for use or on the machinery. Including their consistency with additional safety precautions (step 2) in the case of the use of PPE (1 point

Points are counted only for the first semester project handed in. In case of correction and resubmission of the term paper, the points earned previously will not change. In case of failure to meet the deadline (without proper excuse), only 50% of the points earned will be counted.

Overall rating:

29 points or more A; 28 points or more B; 26 points or more C; 23 points or more D; 20 points or more E; less than 20 points F

Controlled participation in lessons:
The attendance at seminars is compulsory. Lectures are voluntary, students who do not attend it must be familiar with the subject matter before the following seminars. Presentation of the semestral project is compulsory.
Type of course unit:
    Guided consultation in combined form of studies  1 × 13 hrs. compulsory                  
    Guided consultation  1 × 26 hrs. optionally                  
Course curriculum:
    Guided consultation in combined form of studies

1. Introduction to problem Risk management for machinery
2. Human factor
3. Requirements of EU legislation
4. Requirements of Czech legislation
5. Harmonized standards
6. Methodological approach
7. Functional safety I
8. Functional safety II
9. Functional safety III
10. FMEA
11. FTA
12. Risk analysis techniques
13. Risk management in other areas

    Guided consultation

1. Case studies of effects chosen danger in real world
2. semester project assignment
3. Consultations of semester project and practice knowledge from lectures
4. Work on the term project, consultation
5. Work on the term project, consultation
6. Work on the term project, presentation
7. Submission of semester projects and awarding of credits

During the exercise, students solve assigned tasks in the field of hazard identification and risk reduction.

Literature - fundamental:
1. BLECHA, P. Výrobní stroje a technické znalectví. Sylabus přednášek pro kurs technického znalectví a likvidace pojistných událostí. VUT Brno - FSI, Brno 2006
2. ŽENÍŠEK, J.; JENKUT, M. Výrobní stroje a zařízení. 2. vyd. Praha: SNTL, 1990. 276 s. ISBN 04-222-90
3. BĚLOHOUBEK, P.: Efektivní stavba, provoz a údržba strojů. Přednáška na semináři ICB, Brno 2005
Literature - recommended:
1. Směrnice EU týkající se bezpečnosti strojních zařízení
2. Zákony a nařízení vlády ČR týkající se bezpečnosti strojních zařízení
3. 3. Harmonizované normy týkající se bezpečnosti strojních zařízení
The study programmes with the given course:
Programme Study form Branch Spec. Final classification   Course-unit credits     Obligation     Level     Year     Semester  
N-KSB-K combined study --- no specialisation -- Cr,Ex 4 Compulsory 2 1 W
N-VSR-K combined study --- no specialisation -- Cr,Ex 4 Compulsory 2 2 W