Engineering Metrology I (FSI-6SM-K)

Academic year 2023/2024
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Róbert Jankových, CSc.  
Supervising institute: ÚVSSR all courses guaranted by this institute
Teaching language: Czech
Aims of the course unit:
The aim of this course (Engineering Metrology I) is to familiarize students with the principles of design, function and use of basic kinds of measuring tools in industrial practice. A special attention is paid to the practical needs of the metrological activities for quality control of production.
Learning outcomes and competences:
Subject “Engineering metrology I” enables students to acquire knowledge of basic measuring methods and devices that can be applied in individual technologies. Students learn to solve and implement practical metrology applications both in service and laboratory conditions.
Overview of engineering technologies. Basic knowledge of the structure and properties of materials. General knowledge of the International System of Quantities (ISQ) and the International System of Units (SI).
Course contents:

Subject acquaints students with the principles of metrology in the Czech Republic, EU and worldwide. The main accent is placed on teaching the principles of design, function and practical aspects of measurement in industrial and related production.  In the first block, special attention is paid to the measurement of selected parameters of geometric properties of engineering products according to the ISO GPS system.  In the next part of the course, emphasis is placed on methods and technical tools for measurement of pressure, temperature, vibration, noise, technical parameters of liquids and gases, flow and level in industrial practice.

Teaching methods and criteria:
The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline. Teaching is supplemented by practical laboratory work.
According to the possibility of teaching can be organized lectures for students by practitioners and excursions to companies focused on activities related to the course content.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes:
The course-unit credits award is based on attendance at seminars, correct elaboration of computational assignment and active participation in its processing.
The final exam will be composed of written and oral part. It is graded on the ECTS grading scale.
Controlled participation in lessons:
Attendance in lectures is recommended.
Attendance in exercises is compulsory. The attendance to the seminar is regularly checked and the participation in the lesson is recorded. The missed lesson is possible to replace with another study group in the same week. In case, that the lesson does not possible to replace, the student will elaborate the complemental task.
Type of course unit:
    Guided consultation in combined form of studies  1 × 9 hrs. compulsory                  
    Guided consultation  1 × 26 hrs. optionally                  
    Laboratory exercise  1 × 4 hrs. compulsory                  
Course curriculum:
    Guided consultation in combined form of studies

1. Engineering metrology in the Czech Republic, in the EU and the World
metrology systems
2. The statistical tools in metrology, calibration and verification of
measuring instruments
3. Methods and equipment for length measurement
4. Methods and equipment for measuring surface texture parameters
5. Methods and equipment for angle and circular contours, bores and cones measurement
6. Methods and i equipment for screw threads, gears parameters and parameters of geometric tolerancy measurement
7. Methods and devices of pressure measurement
8. Methods and devices of temperature measurement
9. Methods and devices of material thicknesses measurement and
measurement of level heights in reservoirs with solid and liquid
10. Measuring of nonelectric quantities, properties of sensors
11. Measuring of stress and strain using strain gauges
12. Derivation of fundamental stress problems - tension, compression, bending and torsion
13. Other electric sensors, overview of questions for the exam

    Guided consultation

1. Engineering metrology in the Czech Republic, in the EU and the World
metrology systems
2. The statistical tools in metrology, calibration and verification of
measuring instruments
3. Methods and equipment for length measurement
4. Methods and equipment for measuring surface texture parameters
5. Methods and equipment for angle and circular contours, bores and cones measurement
6. Methods and i equipment for screw threads, gears parameters and parameters of geometric tolerancy measurement
7. Methods and devices of pressure measurement
8. Methods and devices of temperature measurement
9. Methods and devices of material thicknesses measurement and
measurement of level heights in reservoirs with solid and liquid
10. Measuring of nonelectric quantities, properties of sensors
11. Measuring of stress and strain using strain gauges
12. Derivation of fundamental stress problems - tension, compression, bending and torsion
13. Other electric sensors, overview of questions for the exam

    Laboratory exercise

1. Measurement of lengths I, Safety in the laboratory, requirements for reports
2. Measurement of lengths II
3. Statistical tools in metrology, measurement uncertainty
4. Measurement of surface roughness parameters
5. Calibration and verification of measuring instruments
6. Measurement of angle and circular contours, bores, cones, screw threads and gears parameters
7. Contact temperature measurement
8. Contactless temperature measurement
9. Thickness measurement and material identification by ultrasound
10. Measuring of biaxial state of stress and distance
11. Measuring of torque and pressure force
12. Measuring of bending moment and tensile force
13. Correction of elaborates and course-unit credits

Literature - fundamental:
1. Smith,E.: Principles of industrial measurement for control applications, USA, 1994
2. Sydenhan, P.H.: Handbook of Measurement Science, Volume 1,2,3, John Wileysons Inc., 1992
3. Chudý, V. a kol.: Měření technických veličin, STU Bratislava, 1999
4. Farago, F.T.: Handbook of Dimensional Measurement (Third Edition). New York, Industrial Press Inc. 1994, 608 p. ISBN 0-8311-3053-9
Literature - recommended:
1. Čech,J. a kol.: Strojírenská metrologie, VUT FSI Brno, 2002
2. Janíček,P.: Technický experiment, VUT Brno, 1989
3. Sládek,Z.,Vdoleček,F.: Technická měření, VUT Brno, 1992
4. Jenčík, J., Volf, J.: Technická měření, ČVUT Praha, 2003
The study programmes with the given course:
Programme Study form Branch Spec. Final classification   Course-unit credits     Obligation     Level     Year     Semester  
B-STR-K combined study STG Manufacturing Technology -- Cr,Ex 4 Compulsory 1 2 S