Ing. Jiří Omes, Ph.D.

Dept.:   Institute of Production Machines, Systems and Robotics
Dept. of Production Machines
Position:   Assistant Professor
Room:   A1/1325

Career overview

  • 2001-2002 Designer. Design department of Forming Machines, Žďas a.s., Žďár nad Sázavou.
  • 2002-2004, CAD designer. Group of Unigraphics, IMP-Czech, s.r.o, Žďár nad Sázavou.
  • 2004-2013, Designer. Design department of Forming Machines, Žďas a.s., Žďár nad Sázavou.
  • 2013-2017. Designer. R&D - mechanical design, Automotive Lighting, s.r.o., Jihlava
  • 2017-2021, Designer of lubrication system, Cematech division Žďár nad Sázavou, HENNLICH, s.r.o
  • 2021-till this time, Project Manager, ACO Marine s.r.o.
  • 2010- till this time, Senior Lecturer. Brno University of Technology. Institute of Production Machines, Systems and Robotics.