Institute of Aerospace Engineering

  -  Dept. of Aerospace Technology
-  BUT Flying School
List of persons

Teaching Profile

Study gauranteed by the institute

The main activities of Institute of Aerospace Engineering (IAE) are focused on education, applied research and aircraft testing. Within graduate studies, IAE educates aeronautical engineers in two specializations: Aircraft Design and Air Transport. The study program is two years long, resuming three years bachelor’s degree in general machinery supplied by faculty. The studies are finished by final project based on practical cooperation with aircraft industry companies. During the study the graduates gains qualification in wide variety of disciplines making them possible to get position not only in airspace industry. There is also ongoing three years long bachelor’s study program in specialization Professional pilot.

Scientific Profile

Projects solved by the institute

Main scientific activities of IAE are focused in the following fields:

The application of modern computational methods in the area of the aircraft design

numerical methods for aerodynamics and structures – CFD and FEM (high-lift devices development, aerodynamic loads calculation, airfoil aerodynamics and development, ice accretion simulations, landing gear design, composite materials in aircraft structures)

application of CAD tools for parametric geometry models

Aircraft structures testing

static and dynamic tests of aircraft structures and specimen

composite materials properties and their application in aircraft structures

conducted in test laboratory certified under Czech CAA and there are also conducted

stability and control and also structural in flight measurements on flight test laboratory developed on IAE.

All students – in a master’s and Ph.D. study programs – are widely engaged in practical solution of this projects.

Professional Collaboration

Institute of Aerospace engineering has long tradition of tight cooperation with aircraft industry on new aircraft projects, in the area of applied research and also tests, which are conducted in Czech Civil Aviation Authority certified testing laboratory. Among that IAE has long tradition of cooperation with European universities in area of students interchange and in area of research, where IAE participates in couple EC research projects.

Further Information on Website
Institute of Aerospace Engineering