doc. Ing. Miroslav Škopán, CSc.

Dept.:   Institute of Automotive Engineering
Dept. of Handling and Building Machines
Position:   Associate Professor
Room:   A1/0842

Education and academic qualification

  • 1977, Ing., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering BUT, branch Transport Machines and Handling Mechanisms
  • 1982, CSc., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering BUT, branch Design of Transport Machines and Mechanisms
  • 1989, Doc., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering BUT, branch Transport and Handling Engineering

Career overview

  • 1977 – 1978, lecturer, Dept. of Building and Transport Machines, MF, BUT
  • 1978 – 1981, internal postgraduate student, Dept. of Building and Transport Machines, MF, BUT
  • 1981 – 1989, assistant professor, Dept. of Building and Transport Machines, MF, BUT
  • 1989 – to date, associate professor, Dept. of Building and Transport Machines, MF, BUT/ Institute of Transport Engineering, FME, BUT

Pedagogic activities

  • BSC study programme, study branch Machine and Equipment Construction: Hydraulic gears of machines
  • MSC study programme, study branch Automotive and Handling Engineering: Mechanic and Hydraulic Gears, Applied Mechanics,  design of Building and Transport Machines
  • MSC and BSC Thesis supervised in branch Building and Transport Machines
  • Ph.D. Thesis supervised in  branch Design and Process Engineering, specialization Automotive and Handling Engineering

Scientific activities

  • Identification of dynamic force effects on construction of building and handling machines and their interaction with working material.
  • Vibrating and compacting technology.
  • Recycle of inert mineral waste as a secondary raw material source with respect to optimization of mechanical technology, which are used in recycling process.

Academic internships abroad

  • 1985 - 1986 University Dortmund - DAAD scholarship
  • 1982 -2013 Technische Universität Otto von Guericke total of 7 internships in lengths of stay 1-2 months


University activities

  • 1990 - 2004 – secretary chief of dept. of Transport, Building and Agriculture Machines / Institute of Transport Engineering VUT in Brno
  • 2000 – to date – president of Field of Study Council BS – Machine and Equipment Construction
  • 2000 – to date – member of Field of Study Council NMS – Transport and Handling Engineering
  • 2004 – to date head of dept. of Transport, Building and Agriculture Machines / Institute of Transport Engineering VUT in Brno

Non-University activities

  • 1995 – to date - authorised expert (č.j. ZT 1477/95) with specialization for mechanical engineering – branches heavy and general engineering, building machines, transport and handling machines
  • 1995 – president of ARSM (Asociace pro rozvoj recyklace stavebních materiálů v ČR)
  • 1996 – 2009 member of The international Recycling Federation – Holland
  • 1998 – to date member of Draft Committee of Journal “Odpady” (ISSN 1210-4922)
  • 2000 – to date member of Draft Committee of Journal “Strojní kaleidoskop” (ISSN 1213-9629)
  • 2000 – to date member of Specialist Jury GRAND PRIX FOR ARCH
  • 2003 – 2011 member of Commodities Policy Council of Department of Commerce
  • 2004 – to date member of Waste Management Council of Department of the Environment
  • 2007 – to date Member of the presidium of international association of Recycling European Quality Association for Recycling e.V. (EQAR)
  • 2007 - to date member of Draft Committee of Journal Stavebné stroje a mechanizácia (Slovakia)
  • 2011 - to date member of the Working Group for secondary raw materials of the Government Council for Energy and raw material strategy CR
  • 2013 - to date member of Draft Committee of Journal "Odpadové forum" (Waste forum)

Industry cooperation

  • 2006 – to date - Collaboration with Skoda Auto, a.s. in logistics, simulation and modeling of manufacturing flow

  • 2010 - to date - Collaboration with Strojírna Novotný, s.r.o.  in the design of forest machines


  • 1993 – 1995, Reducing of effects of operating breakdown in branch driving systems of transport and handling mechanisms. Project no. FP 359310 MF BUT. Main author
  • 1997 – 1999, Technology of recycle aggregate of railway bed for railway reconstruction. Project TECNOS TC 3-136. Second author
  • 2001 – 2003, Vibrating roller with automatic optimization of compacting parameters. Project from program of research and development – KONSORCIUM (Ministry of Industry and Trade) no. FD-K15. Second author
  • 2005 – to date, Simulation modelling of mechatronics systems VZ MSM 0021630518, second author (D1)
  • 2007 - 2008, Development of new conception of manipulators, development and application of new management system and drive manipulators, Project from program of research and development of Ministry of Industry and Trade no. FI-IM4/191
  • 2007 – 2010 A new generation of carrier tractor-trailers in swap bodies , Project from program of research and development of Ministry of Industry and Trade, no. FI-IM4/091
  • 2009 - 2010 Development of a trailer for pressure cleaning wastes, wastewater and space (road) contaminated with oil leak, Project from program of research and development  of Ministry of Industry and Trade, no. FR-TI1/500
  • 2009 – 2011 Development of machines for the transport of hazardous waste, Project from program of research and development  of Ministry of Industry and Trade, no. FR-TI1/498
  • 2009-2018, NETME Centre, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, OP VaVpI

Sum of other citations (without self-citations)


Supervised courses:


    Plánování a řízení provozu pivovaru s podporou počítačové simulace,
    Kvasný průmysl, Vol.60/2014, (2014), No.6, pp.146-150, ISSN 0023-5830, Výzkumný ústav pivovarský a sladařský
    journal article - other
  • ŠKOPÁN, M.:
    Potenciál recyklovaných stavebních materiálů,
    TOP 2014 - Technika ochrany prostredia. Zborník prednášok, pp.457-462, ISBN 978-80-227-4174-3, (2014), Slovaki University of Technology in Bratislava
    conference paper
    akce: TOP 2014 Technika ochrany prostredia, Častá Papiernička, 10.06.2014-12.06.2014
    Výukové pracoviště měření vibrací,
    Sborník XXXIX. mezinárodní konference kateder dopravních, manipulačních, stavebních a zemědělských strojů, pp.1-6, ISBN 978-80-248-3124-4, (2013), VŠB-TU Ostrava
    conference paper
    akce: XXXIX. Mezinárodní konference kateder dopravních, manipulačních, stavebních a zemědělských strojů, Horní Bečva, 05.09.2013-06.09.2013
  • ŠKOPÁN, M.:
    Recyklace a stavebních a demoličních odpadů z pohledu platné legislativy - šance nebo hrozba?,
    TOP 2012 - Technika ochrany prostredia, pp.429-438, ISBN 978-80-227-3723-4, (2012), Slovak University of TTechnology Bratislava
    conference paper
    akce: Technika ochrany prostredia TOP 2012, Častá - Papiernička, 26.06.2012-28.06.2012
    Identifikace zátěžových účinků na cisternovou nástavbu numerickou simulací,
    Sborník přednášek XXXVII. mezinárodní konference dopravních, manipulačních, stavebních a zemědělských strojů, pp.95-98, ISBN 978-80-214-4323-5, (2011), VUT Brno
    conference paper
    akce: XXXVII. mezinárodní konference dopravních, manipulačních, stavebních a zemědělských strojů, Technická 2896/2, 616 69 Brno, 14.09.2011-15.09.2011
  • ŠKOPÁN, M.:
    Pozice recyklátů ze stavebních a demoličních odpadů na trhu stavebních materiálů,
    Waste utilization, recycled materials in building industry, pp.9-14, ISBN 978-80-01-04734-7, (2011), České vysoké učení technické v Praze
    book chapter
    Experimentální analýza napjatosti na rámu podvozku zemědělského návěsu,
    Mechanizace zemědělství, Vol.LX, (2010), No.10, pp.57-61, ISSN 0373-6776
    journal article - other
  • ŠKOPÁN, M.:
    Kamenivo z recyklovaných odpadů,
    Nové Rochlovy stavební tabulky 2. díl., pp.59-64, ISBN 978-80-903889-2-5, (2010), INCON-F s.r.o.
    book chapter
    Model kontinuálního měření zhutnění,
    Silnice a železnice, Vol.5, (2010), No.2/2010, pp.30-32, ISSN 1801-822X, KONSTRUKCE Media s.r.o.
    journal article - other
    Design of hydraulic drive for controlled vibration exciter
    conference paper
    akce: 4. Fachtagung Baumaschinentechnik 2009, Dresden, 13.05.2009-15.05.2009

List of publications at Portal BUT

Abstracts of most important papers:

  • ŠKOPÁN, M.:
    Recyklace a stavebních a demoličních odpadů z pohledu platné legislativy - šance nebo hrozba?,
    TOP 2012 - Technika ochrany prostredia, pp.429-438, ISBN 978-80-227-3723-4, (2012), Slovak University of TTechnology Bratislava
    conference paper
    akce: Technika ochrany prostredia TOP 2012, Častá - Papiernička, 26.06.2012-28.06.2012

    This paper deals with quality management of recycled materials made from inert mineral construction and demolition waste. It also pointed to the types and sources of material flows in this area, including the capacity of the all branch in the Czech Republic.
    Experimentální analýza napjatosti na rámu podvozku zemědělského návěsu,
    Mechanizace zemědělství, Vol.LX, (2010), No.10, pp.57-61, ISSN 0373-6776
    journal article - other

    This paper is about strain gauge measurement on frame of two axles agricultural semi-trailer. The semi-trailer was tested during various working operations like drive with empty dump body or drive with overfilled dump body. Data were processed and a fatigue life was estimated by "Rainflow" method, Haibach's hypothesis of cumulative damaging, Collins' estimation of S N curve and so on. The result is a undercarriage frame 10 years even in hard working conditions.
    Model kontinuálního měření zhutnění,
    Silnice a železnice, Vol.5, (2010), No.2/2010, pp.30-32, ISSN 1801-822X, KONSTRUKCE Media s.r.o.
    journal article - other

    This paper deals with possibility of use intelligent methods in construction machines control. There is detail described especially 3D control based on GPS (DGPS) in combination with achievement of sufficient degree of compaction on the basis on-line information about conditions of subsoil. This information is obtained from contact non-destructive measurement during continual machine movement.
  • ŠKOPÁN, M.:
    Stavební a demoliční odpady a podmínky uplatnění recyklátů z nich vyrobených,
    Odpadové fórum, Vol.11, (2010), No.3/2010, pp.8-12, ISSN 1212-7779, České ekologické a manažerské centrum
    journal article - other

    The article deals with the recycling of construction and demolition waste in the Czech Republic. It analyzed the possibility of declaring their properties as the product according to ČSN EN. It is suggested C&DW recycled structure according to their material composition.
    Design of hydraulic drive for controlled vibration exciter
    conference paper
    akce: 4. Fachtagung Baumaschinentechnik 2009, Dresden, 13.05.2009-15.05.2009

    Design of hydraulic drive for controlled vibration exciter