doc. Ing. Jan Fiedler, Dr.

Dept.:   Energy Institute
Dept. of Power Engineering
Position:   Associate Professor
Room:   A1/1419

Education and academic qualification

  • 1980, Engineer master graduation - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Brno University of Technology
  • 1996, PhD. graduation - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Brno University of Technology
  • 8.10.2001, Associate professor - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Brno University of Technology, design and process engineering

Career overview

  • 1980-1986, turbine designer, PBS Brno
  • 1986-1990, senior turbine designer, PBS Brno
  • 1990-2000, assistant, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Brno University of Technology
  • 2001-present, associate professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Brno University of Technology
  • 2006-present, Head of Department of Power Engineering, FME
  • 2007-present, deputy Director Energy Institut, FME

Pedagogic activities

  • Another educational activities - requested lectures for:
  • - ABB-Alstom Brno
  • - ČEZ a.s.
  • - Teplárenské sdružení ČR
  • - CŽV Moderní směry v teplárenství
  • - TEDOM
  • - Honeywell Česká Republika


Scientific activities

  • Energy source
  • Steam and Gas Turbines
  • Design Power Plant

University activities

  • 1993-present - secretary of the Energy Institute, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Brno University of Technology
  • 2006 - head of department Power engineering - Energy Institute, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Brno University of Technology

Non-University activities

  • 2002 - expert appointed by court in the power engineering

Prizing by scientific community

  • Since 2003: commitee chairman for the final state examination BUT Brno and TU Ostrava
  • Since 2005: habilitation commitee member ČVUT Praha, TU-VŠB Ostrava
  • Since 2006: PhD. studies commitee member
  • PhD. thesis opponent


  • Participation in grant projects:
  • E 136/04/333 GAČR - Modern environmental technology.
  • - 101/98/0271 GAČR - Optimalization of the communal waste burning.
  • - 101/00/0486 GAČR - Heat carrier impact on the tertiary circuit in the transmutation.
  • - 101/00/0489 GAČR - Physical properties of the molted salt for the transmutor.
  • - CEZ: J22/98:262100004 - Ecologically and economical acceptable energy technologies.
  • - 101/03/0568 GAČR - Tertiary circle with carboxide dioxide for ADTT power plant.
  • - VZ MS 1350003 - Ecologically and economical waste and biomass treatment.
  • - MPO:2A-1TP1/067 - Research high temperature transmission for nuclear reactor
  • CZ Patent No.304063 PV2009-25

Sum of citations (without self-citations) indexed within ISI Web of Knowledge


Sum of other citations (without self-citations)


Supervised courses:


    Main deficiencies and corrective measures of nuclear power plants in ageing management for safe long term operation, Elsevier
    journal article in Web of Science
    Main corrective measures in an early phase of nuclear power plants’ preparation for safe long term operation, Elsevier
    journal article in Web of Science
  • FIEDLER, J.:
    Centrální zásobování teplem nebo tepelná čerpadla,
    TZB-info, Vol.2014, (2014), No.8, pp.1-7, ISSN 1801-4399, Topinfo s.r.o.
    journal article - other
    Specification of the Environment Loading Parameters during the Severe Accident dedicated to qualification of Severe Accident Mitigation Systems,
    Proceedings of the 17th International QUENCH workshop, pp.1-11, ISBN 978-3-923704-77-4, (2013), American Nuclear Sociate
    conference paper
    akce: 17th International QUENCH Workshop, Karlsruhe, 22.11.2011-24.12.2011
    The Holistic Approach to Environment, Vol.4, (2013), No.4, pp.1-6, ISSN 1848-0071
    journal article - other
  • FIEDLER, J.:
    Malá nebo velká kogenerace,
    3T - Teplo, Technika, Teplárenství, Vol.2011, (2011), No.6, pp.5-6, ISSN 1210-6003, TS ČR
    journal article - other
    Vývoj malého pístového parního motoru,
    Energetika, Vol.2011, (2011), No.2, pp.110-112, ISSN 0375-8842, Český svaz zaměstnavatelů v energetice
    journal article - other
    Utilizing of stroke engine cogeneration unit for steam generation,
    ERIN 3, Vol.3, (2010), No.10, pp.33-37, ISSN 1337-9089, Technology of Mechanical Engineering SUT in Bratislava
    journal article - other

List of publications at Portal BUT

Abstracts of most important papers:

    Main deficiencies and corrective measures of nuclear power plants in ageing management for safe long term operation, Elsevier
    journal article in Web of Science

    This paper presents the analysis of the main technical deficiencies of nuclear power plants (NPPs) in ageing management development, implementation, review and improvement to support safe long term operation (LTO) and the main corrective measures which are typically performed. It focuses on technical aspects connected with management of physical ageing of NPP structures, systems and components (SSCs). It uses as a basis results of IAEA Safety Aspects of Long Term Operation (SALTO) missions performed between 2005 and 2016 (see also paper NED8805 in Nuclear Engineering and Design in May 2016 and paper NED9185 in Nuclear Engineering and Design in March 2017) and the personal experiences of the authors with preparation of NPPs for safe LTO. Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction of the current status of the NPPs’ ageing management in connection with LTO. Chapter 2 provides an overview of SALTO peer review service results with a focus on deficiencies related to ageing management and topics connected with development, implementation, review and improvement of systematic ageing management in NPPs. Chapter 3 discusses the main corrective measures NPPs typically face to develop, implement and review ageing management for safe LTO. Chapter 4 summarizes the current status of the NPP fleet in connection with LTO and outlines further steps needed in preparation for safe LTO.
    Main corrective measures in an early phase of nuclear power plants’ preparation for safe long term operation, Elsevier
    journal article in Web of Science

    This paper presents the analysis of main technical deficiencies of nuclear power plants (NPPs) in preparedness for safe long term operation (LTO) and the main corrective measures in an early phase of preparation for safe LTO of NPPs. It focuses on technical aspects connected with management of physical ageing of NPP structures, systems and components (SSCs). It uses as a basis results of IAEA SALTO missions performed between 2005 and 2016 (see also paper NED8805 in Nuclear Engineering and Design in May 2016) and the personal experiences of the authors with preparation of NPPs for safe LTO. This paper does not discuss other important aspects of safe LTO of NPPs, e.g. national nuclear energy policies, compliance of NPPs with the latest international requirements on design, obsolescence, environmental impact and economic aspects of LTO. Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction of the current status of the NPP’ fleet in connection with LTO. Chapter 2 provides an overview of SALTO peer review service results with a focus on deficiencies related to physical ageing of safety SSCs and a demonstration that SSCs will perform their safety function during the intended period of LTO. Chapter 3 discusses the main corrective measures which NPPs typically face during the preparation for demonstration of safe LTO. Chapter 4 summarizes the current status of the NPP’ fleet in connection with LTO and outlines further steps needed in preparation for safe LTO.
    Zpráva o provedené kontrole vstupních údajů diagnostického systému Dialife
    summary research report - contract. research

    Collectively, it is possible according to the handout provided to conclude that the system Dialife ® meets the needs of diagnosis of pressure parts of the boiler request monitoring of pumping the life of critical parts of the monitored device.
  • FIEDLER, J.:
    Centrální zásobování teplem nebo tepelná čerpadla,
    TZB-info, Vol.2014, (2014), No.8, pp.1-7, ISSN 1801-4399, Topinfo s.r.o.
    journal article - other

    The paper discusses current serious problem of district heating systems (DHS) - disconnecting of individual users and consequent threat of a possible entire heating system collapse in the given locality. Realistic alternatives to the DHS could be heat pumps as individual heat sources. Reasons, advantages and disadvantages of heat pumps in comparison to the DHS are presented in the paper.
    Specification of the Environment Loading Parameters during the Severe Accident dedicated to qualification of Severe Accident Mitigation Systems,
    Proceedings of the 17th International QUENCH workshop, pp.1-11, ISBN 978-3-923704-77-4, (2013), American Nuclear Sociate
    conference paper
    akce: 17th International QUENCH Workshop, Karlsruhe, 22.11.2011-24.12.2011

    Severe accident mitigation measures are being implemented at Slovak nuclear power plants as a part of plant safety enhancement. The measures comprise also depressurization and injection systems, collaboration of which should effectively allow cooling and possibly also quenching of the core. Drawing quenching of the core in to the practise is one of the measures applied by Severe Accident Guidelines. It focuses onto analysis of applicability of the recent QUENCH programme results to core quenching in real core geometry. The specifics of the VVER440 design along with possible core states during the evolution of the core degradation should be also taken into account. From Severe Accident Guidelines point of view, core exit temperature is the only reliable entry parameter. Therefore the behaviour of the core and status (overheating) of the core has to be related with this temperature. Sufficiency of flow to quench the core geometry is evaluated for relevant scenarios of severe accidents, status of the core and temperature distribution within the core. Best estimate analyses to assess the status of the core were carried out using MELCOR 1.8.5 code. These analyses were focused on temperature distribution and predicted hydrogen production while core is being quenched. Core temperature distribution was visualized. The general goal of the analyses was to formulate requirements for core reflooding system taking into account both, the recommendations emerging from the performed experiments and real capabilities of the plant design. All the analyses were carried out using MELCOR 1.8.5RK (quench model implemented). The presentation will include: - Short overview of Slovak NPP VVER upgrades to cope with severe accident, with focus to measures coupled with quenching, - Possible states of the core in dependence on scenario and timing of operation/ action of mitigation systems, - Temperature behaviour in the core, reflooding requirements and design limitation, - Results of calculations carried out to verify cooperation between depressurization and injection systems in expected reflooding conditions.