doc. Ing. Ivan Švarc, CSc.

Dept.:   Institute of Automation and Computer Science
Dept. of Automation
Position:   Associate Professor
Room:   A1/0622

Education and academic qualification

  • 1961, Ing.,(MSc.), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, branch Hydraulic Machines
  • 1965, Ing., (MSc.),Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, branch Automatisation
  • 1973, CSc., (Ph.D.), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, branch Technical Cybernetics
  • 1985, Doc. (Assoc. Prof.), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, branch Power Systems

Career overview

  • 1961 - 1963, designer, HYDROPROJEKT Praha, subdivison Olomouc
  • 1963 - 1984, senior lecturer, Department of Hydraulic Machines and Automation,
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology
  • 1985 - present, assoc. prof., Institute of Automation and Computer Science,
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology

Pedagogic activities

  • Automation
  • Control Theory I
  • Control Theory II
  • Control Theory III
  • Fundamentals of automation (Chemistry Fakulty, Brno University of Technology)
  • supervisor of Ph.D. students (5 graduated)

Sum of citations (without self-citations) indexed within ISI Web of Knowledge


Sum of other citations (without self-citations)



    Automatické řízení,
    Automatické řízení, pp.1-324, ISBN 978-80-214-3491-2, (2007), Akademické nakladatelství CERM Brno
  • ŠVARC, I.:
    The discrete methods for solutions of continuous-time systems,
    Recent Advances in Mechatronics, pp.180-184, ISBN 978-3-540-73955-5, (2007), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007
    conference paper
    akce: Mechatronics 2007, Warsaw, 19.09.2007-21.09.2007
  • ŠVARC, I.:
    Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Control System,
    Modern Trends in Control, pp.247-256, ISBN 80-969224-6-7, (2006), Equilibria,s.r.o. pro Technickou univerzitu v Košiciach
    conference paper
    akce: Conference Modern Trends in Control: International Study in Automatic Control ISAC 2006, Košice, 01.09.2006-14.09.2006
  • Ivan Svarc, Zdenek Nemec:
    A new approach to stability analysis of discrete systems of waste treatment,
    TMT 2005 Proceedings, pp.1435-1438, ISBN 9958-617-28-5, (2005), TUBITAK , The Scientific & Tehnological Research Council of Turkey
    conference paper
    akce: TMT 2005, Antalya, 26.09.2005-30.09.2005
  • ŠVARC, I.:
    A New Approach to Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Control Systems,
    Principia Cybernetica 2005, pp.34-35, ISBN 80-248-0773-4, (2005), VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
    conference paper
    akce: Principia Cybernetica 2005, Ostrava, 07.09.2005-09.09.2005
  • ŠVARC, I.:
    A new approach to stability analysis of discrete systems,
    Ceepus Summer School 2005, pp.125-127, ISBN 80-214-2976-3, (2005), Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication,Brno University of Technology
    conference paper
    akce: CEEPUS Summer School 2005 , Brno, 29.08.2005-11.09.2005
  • ŠVARC, I.:
    Automatizace-Automatické řízení,
    Automatizace-Automatické řízení, pp.1-264, ISBN 80-214-2943-7, (2005), Akademické nakladatelství CERM, s.r.o. Brno
    book chapter
  • ŠVARC, I.:
    Řešení spojitých systémů diskrétními metodami,
    4th International Conference Aplimat, pp.83-85, ISBN 80-969264-4-6, (2005), Department of Mathematics,Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
    conference paper
    akce: APLIMAT 2005, Bratislava, 01.02.2005-04.02.2005
  • ŠVARC, I.:
    A new approach to stability of nonlinear control systems,
    Elektronika, Vol.2004, (2004), No.8-9, pp.18-21, ISSN 0033-2089, Stowaryzsyenia Eletrzkow Polskich
    journal article - other
    akce: 5th International Conference, Mechatronics 2004 , Warsaw, Poland, 23.09.2004-25.09.2004
  • ŠVARC, I.:
    Řešení diferenciálních a diferenčních rovnic metodou Z - transformace,
    3rd International Conference Aplimat, pp.929-937, ISBN 80-227-1995-1, (2004), Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
    conference paper
    akce: APLIMAT, Bratislava, 03.02.2004-06.02.2004
  • ŠVARC, I.:
    Solutions of Continuous-Time Systems by the Discrete Methods,
    Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology, pp.895-899, ISBN 9958-617-21-8, (2004), DOM STAMPE Zenica
    conference paper
    akce: 8th International Research/Expert Conference:Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology, Neum, 15.09.2004-19.09.2004
  • ŠVARC, I.:
    Control of Power Systems'04, pp.233-240, ISBN 80-227-2059-3, (2004), Slovak Universitz of Technologz in Bratislava
    conference paper
    akce: Riadenie v energetike ´04 (6th International Conference Control of Power Systems´04), Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras, Slovak Republic, 16.06.2004-18.06.2004
  • ŠVARC, I.:
    Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Control Systems,
    Summer School on Control Theory and Applications, pp.29-29, (2004), Graz University of Technology
    conference paper
    akce: Summer School on Control Theory and Applications, Graz, 01.09.2004-14.09.2004
  • ŠVARC, I.:
    Stability analysis of nonlinear control systems using linearization,
    Proceedings of 5th International Carpathian Control Conference, pp.25-29, ISBN 83-89772-00-0, (2004), DELTA
    conference paper
    akce: ICCC 2004, Zakopane, 25.05.2004-28.05.2004
  • ŠVARC, I.:
    Contribution to stability analysis of nonlinear control systems,
    Acta Montanistica Slovaca, Vol.8, (2003), No.4, pp.211-213, ISSN 1335-1788, Fakulta BERG Technickej univerzity v Košiciach
    journal article - other
  • ŠVARC, I.:
    Contribution to Stability analysis of Nonlinear Control Systems,
    Proceedings of International Carpathian control conference 2003, pp.586-589, ISBN 80-7099-509-2, (2003), Slovac Society for Applied Cybernetics and Informatics-BERG-TU Košice
    conference paper
    akce: The 4th International Carphatian Control Conference ICCC 2003, Tatranská Lomnice, 26.05.2003-29.05.2003
  • ŠVARC, I.:
    Příspěvek ke stabilitě nelineárních systémů řízení,
    Principia Cybernetica'03, pp.143-146, ISBN 80-7083-733-0, (2003), Technická univeryita v Liberci
    conference paper
    akce: PRINCIPIA CYBERNETICA ´03 - Mezinárodní konference kateder automatizace a kybernetiky, Liberec, 03.09.2003-05.09.2003
  • ŠVARC, I.:
    Navrhování diskrétních regulačních obvodů frekvenčními metodami,
    Process Control 2002, pp.R089-1-4, ISBN 80-7149-452-1, (2002), University of Pardubice
    conference paper
    akce: Process Control RIP 2002, Kouty nad Desnou, 09.06.2002-12.06.2002
  • ŠVARC, I.:
    Řešení stability diskrétních systémů frekvenčními metodami,
    Strojné inžinierstvo 2001 Mechanical Engineering 2001, pp.807-812, ISBN 80-227-1616-2, (2001), Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave
    conference paper
  • ŠVARC, I.:
    Použití frekvenčních charakteristik diskrétních systémů pro vyšetřování stability,
    Summaries Volume 13th International Conference on Proces Control 01, pp.49-53, ISBN 80-227-1542-5, (2001), Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava
    conference paper
    akce: 13th International Conference on Process Control ´01, Štrbské Pleso, 11.06.2001-14.06.2001
  • ŠVARC, I.:
    Frekvenční charakteristiky diskrétních regulačních systémů,
    Proceedings the 4th International Scientific-Technical Conference PROCESS CONTROL 2000, pp.181-181, ISBN 80-7194-271-5, (2000), University of Pardubice
    conference paper
    akce: PROCESS CONTROL 2000 (ŘÍP 2000), Kouty nad Desnou, 11.06.2000-14.06.2000

List of publications at Portal BUT

Abstracts of most important papers:

  • MÁŠA, V.; PAVLAS, M.; ŠVARC, I.:
    Mathematical Model of Biomass Boiler for Control Purposes,
    Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol.25, (2011), No.1, pp.743-748, ISSN 1974-9791, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l
    journal article - other

    This paper focuses on building dynamic mathematical model of biomass boiler of medium energy output (in units of MW) as a controlled system and the use of this model in practice. Model of controlled system will serve especially for research of new ways of industrial biomass boilers control and will provide a device for the optimisation of existing control systems. Construction of the model is based on the heat and mass balance calculations made according to experimental data. These balance calculations serve to precise static properties of experimental unit for biomass combustion. Central part of the paper presents development of the final model that resulted from balance calculations and from analysis of step responses of the system obtained by measuring. Built dynamic model is compared with experimental data through simulations in Matlab/Simulink and verified. For validation of its applicability, the model of controlled system is completed with control system and closed-loop control circuit is validated by simulation. Then the design of new controller configuration, which improves the quality of control considerably, is presented. At the final part of the paper, possibilities of other use of the model are given, both in control theory and in industrial practice.
  • ŠVARC, I.:
    A New Approach to Popov Criterion for Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Control Systems,
    Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Optimization of the Robots and Manipulators, pp.176-180, ISBN 978-981-08-5840-7, (2010), Research Publishing Servises
    conference paper
    akce: Fifth Internationa Conference on Optimization of the Robots and Manipulators, Calimanesti, 28.05.2010-30.05.2010

    The Popov criterion for the stability of nonlinear control systems is considered. The Popov criterion gives sufficient conditions for stability of nonlinear systems in the frequency domain. It has a direct graphical interpretation and is convenient for both design and analysis. In the article presented, a table of transfer functions of linear parts of nonlinear systems is constructed. The tables includes frequency response functions and offers solutions to the stability of the given systems. The table makes a direct stability analysis of selected nonlinear systems possible. The stability analysis is solved analytically and graphically. Then it is easy to find out if the nonlinear system is or is not stable; the task that usually ranks among the difficult task in engineering practice.
    How and when to use Popov and circle criteria for stability,
    Proceedimgs of 9th International Carpathian Control Conference, pp.663-666, ISBN 978-973-746-897-0, (2008), SITECH,Craiova
    conference paper
    akce: International Carpathian Control Conference 2008, Sinaia, 25.05.2008-28.05.2008

    The Popov criterion for the stability of nonlinear control systems is considered. The Popov criterion gives sufficient conditions for stability of nonlinear systems in the frequency domain. It has a direct graphical interpretation and is convenient for both design and analysis. In the article presented, a table of transfer functions of linear parts of nonlinear systems is constructed. The table includes frequency response functions and offers solutions to the stability of the given systems. The table makes a direct stability analysis of selected nonlinear systems possible. The stability analysis is solved analytically and graphically. It is easy to find out if the nonlinear system is or is not stable. The task that usually ranks among the difficult task in engineering practice.
    Automatické řízení,
    Automatické řízení, pp.1-324, ISBN 978-80-214-3491-2, (2007), Akademické nakladatelství CERM Brno

    This publication deals with logic control, continous-time control, discrete control, fuzzy control, control of non-linear systems and description of control systems in state space. It also contains an English vocabulary of terminology from this area. It brings the recent theoretical knowledge and its practical apllications. In spite of the scientific character of this book, it can also serve to experts from practise and students of technical universities.
  • ŠVARC, I.:
    A new approach to stability of nonlinear control systems,
    Elektronika, Vol.2004, (2004), No.8-9, pp.18-21, ISSN 0033-2089, Stowaryzsyenia Eletrzkow Polskich
    journal article - other
    akce: 5th International Conference, Mechatronics 2004 , Warsaw, Poland, 23.09.2004-25.09.2004

    Three methods for stability analysis of nonlinear control systems are introduced in this contribution: method of linearization, Lyapunov direct method and Popov criterion. Since stability analysis of nonlinear control systems is difficult task in engineering practice, these methods are made easier and tabulated. Method of linearization: The table includes the nonlinear equations and their linear approximation. Lyapunov direct method: The table contains Lyapunov functions for usually used equations second order. Popov criterion: The table will allow us to directly determine the stability of the nonlinear circuit with the transfer function G(s) and the nonlinearity that satisfies the slope k.