prof. RNDr. Miroslav Liška, DrSc.

Dept.:   Institute of Physical Engineering
Position:   Emeritus Professor

Education and academic qualification

  • 1961, Mgr., Faculty of Science, J.E.Purkyně University in Brno, branch Electronics and Vacuum Physics.

Scientific activities

  • Laser applications in medicine, geodesy and in industry.
  • Optical metrology.
  • The results are summarized in 130 papers in journals and proceedings of conferences and symposia, in 27 research reports and in 14 project reports.
  • The most significant results include:
  • Applications of optical methods in metrology.
  • Investigation of laser ablation and laser spectroscopy.
  • Development of special optical systems (the laser photocoagulator, the laser alignment device, applications of the ruby laser in holographic microscopy, the holographic interferometer for vizualization phase objects).
  • Manipulation of microobjects with laser beam.
  • Holographic imaging, multidirectional holographic interferometry, optical tomography.
  • Holographic nondestructive testing of products.


  • Use of the Laser Beam for Manipulation of Microobjects. Grant from: Grant Agency of the Czech Republic.
  • Scientific Centre of Nanotechnologies and Surface Engineering. Grant from: Grant Agency of the Czech Republic.
  • Employment of Multiple-Beam Optical Traps for Contolled Manipulation and Rotation of Microobjects. Grant from: Grant Agency of the Czech Republic.
  • The use of combination of laser microbeam and cytometric techniques in the study of the structure and dynamics of human geonome. Grant from: Grant Agency of the Academy of science of the Czech Republic.
  • The Joint Research of Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication under Non-steady Conditions. Grant from: Ministry of Education, KONTAKT.

Sum of citations (without self-citations) indexed within ISI Web of Knowledge

Sum of other citations (without self-citations)


    Kontrola rozměrů koncovky optického vlákna pomocí počítačévé tomografie,
    Jemná mechanika a optika, Vol.2013, (2013), No.6, pp.181-183, ISSN 0447-6441
    journal article - other
  • LIŠKA, M.:
    Lasery - znovuzrození optiky. Výzkum aplikací laserů na VUT v Brně.,
    Československý časopis pro fyziku, Vol.60, (2010), No.4-5, pp.229-237, ISSN 0009-0700
    journal article - other
  • M. Galiová, J. Kaiser, K. Novotný, M. Ivanov, M. Nývltová Fišáková, L. Mancini, G. Tromba, T. Vaculovič, M. Liška, V. Kanický:
    Investigation of the osteitis deformans phases in snake vertebrae by double-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy,
    Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Vol.398, (2010), No.7, pp.1095-1107, ISSN 1618-2642
    journal article - other
  • R. Malina, J. Kaiser, J. Novotný, D. Procházka, M. Liška, K. Novotný, M. Galiová, A. Hrdlička:
    Vývoj laboratorní aparatury pro 2D mapování chemického složení s vysokým plošným rozlišením pomocí laserové spektroskopie - LIBS,
    Sborník 14. Česko-Slovenské Spektroskopické Konference, pp.Po27-Po27, ISBN 978-80-7395-282-2, (2010)
    conference paper
    akce: 14. Česko-Slovenská spektroskopická konference, Litomyšl, 31.05.2010-03.06.2010
  • Vaclav Diopan, Violetta Shestivska, Ondrej Zitka, Michaela Galiova, Vojtech Adam, Jozef Kaiser, Ales Horna, Karel Novotny, Miroslav Liska, Ladislav Havel, Josef Zehnalek, Rene Kizek:
    Determination of Plant Thiols by Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Coulometric and Amperometric Detection in Lettuce Treated by Lead(II) Ions,
    ELECTROANALYSIS, Vol.22, (2010), No.11, pp.1248-1259, ISSN 1040-0397
    journal article - other
    Rentgenová mikroradiografie a mikrotomografie,
    Jemná mechanika a optika, Vol.2009, (2009), No.7-8, pp.203-205, ISSN 0447-6441
    journal article - other

List of publications at Portal BUT

Abstracts of most important papers:

  • LIŠKA, M.:
    Lasery - znovuzrození optiky. Výzkum aplikací laserů na VUT v Brně.,
    Československý časopis pro fyziku, Vol.60, (2010), No.4-5, pp.229-237, ISSN 0009-0700
    journal article - other

    Progress in development of different laser-based scientific applications carried out by researchers and lecturers at the Physics Department of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Techznology is presented in this article. Their activities included the development of varios holography techniques, holographic interferometry, speckle interferometry and measurements of rectilinearity using the fundamental mode of the laser beam. The influence of modern optics on the development of study programs of technical education at this faculty is discussed as well.
    Implementation of an autofocus algorithm based on searching the best in-focus image into a table-top laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy setup,
    Optical Engineering, Vol.48, (2009), No.10, pp.103604-1-103604-10, ISSN 0091-3286
    journal article - other

    Laser-ablation based spectrochemical analytical methods could be used in applications in which the capability for spatially resolved analysis is required. Such analysis gives a 2-D or 3-D map of the monitored chemical elements. Here we introduce automation of a 2-D surface analysis in the laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy setup by implementation of an autofocus algorithm based on the evaluation of the image sharpness. The most suitable algorithm with respect to its speed, accuracy, and durability against digital noise is chosen by testing different gradient-based methods and methods working in the frequency domain.
    Femtosecond laser spectrochemical analysis of plant samples,
    Laser Physics Letters, Vol.3, (2006), No.1, pp.21-25, ISSN 1612-2011
    journal article - other

    Using a femtosecond laser-based technique, spectrochemical analysis of leaf samples is demonstrated. The study is exemplified for Fe. Standard reference concentrations – internal standards – of Fe in the two leaf samples were measured using the method of Relaxation Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging. From the spectra obtained using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy technique, spatial distribution of Fe within the leaf was identified. Thus, this technique could potentially be used as a complementary technique for identification of storage and trafficking of iron ions within different plant compartments. In particular, individual plant cells can be investigated without collateral damage with high spatial distribution.
    Theoretical comparsion of optical traps created by standing wave and single beam,
    Optics Communications, Vol.220, (2003), No.4-6, pp.401-412, ISSN 0030-4018
    journal article - other

    We used generalised Lorenz-Mie scattering theory (GLMT) to compare submicron-sized particle optical trapping in a single focused beam and a standing wave. We focus especially on the study of maximal axial trapping force, minimal laser power necessary for confinement, axial trap position, and axial trap stiffness in dependency on trapped sphere radius, refractive index, and Gaussian beam waist size. In the single beam trap (SBT), the range of refractive indices which enable stable trapping depends strongly on the beam waist size (it grows with decreasing waist). On the contrary to the SBT, there are certain sphere sizes (non-trapping radii) that disable sphere confinement in standing wave trap (SWT) for arbitrary value of refractive index. For other sphere radii we show that the SWT enables confinement of high refractive index particle in wider laser beams and provides axial trap stiffness and maximal axial trapping force at least by two orders and one order bigger than in SBT, respectively. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Zemanek P, Jonas A, Liska M:
    Simplified description of optical forces acting on a nanoparticle in the Gaussian standing wave,
    Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol.19, (2002), No.5, pp.1025-1034, ISSN 1084-7529
    journal article - other

    We study the axial force acting on dielectric spherical particles smaller than the trapping wavelength that are placed in the Gaussian standing wave. We derive analytical formulas for immersed particles with relative refractive indices close to unity and compare them with the numerical results obtained by generalized Lorenz-Mie theory (GLMT). We show that the axial optical force depends periodically on the particle size and that the equilibrium position of the particle alternates between the standing-wave antinodes and nodes. For certain particle sizes, gradient forces from the neighboring antinodes cancel each other and disable particle confinement. Using the GLMT we compare maximum axial trapping forces provided by the Gaussian standing wave trap (SWT) and single-beam trap (SBT) as a function of particle size, refractive index, and beam waist size. We show that the SWT produces axial forces at least ten times stronger and permits particle confinement in a wider range of refractive indices and beam waists compared with those of the SBT. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.