Ing. Tomáš Koutecký, Ph.D. |
Education and academic qualification
2008 - Bc., Mechanical Engineering, BUT FME 2010 - Ing., Mechanical Engineering Design, Institute of Machine and Industrial Design, BUT FME 2015 - Ph.D., Design and Process Engineering, Institute of Machine and Industrial Design, BUT FME |
Career overview
01.09.2015 - until now - Assistant Professor, Institute of Machine and Industrial Design, BUT FME |
Pedagogic activities
ProjectsIntroduction of Problem Based Learning to Mechanical Engineering Curricula., initiation: 1.5.2009 ending: 30.4.2012 Development of additive technologies for the production of artifacts in the field of industrial design and unique parts in mechanical engineering., initiation: 01.01.2014, ending: 31.12.2016 |
List of publications at Portal BUT
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Brno University of Technology
Technická 2896/2
616 69 Brno
Czech Republic
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