Courses with Lessons in English in the Academic Year 2024/2025

Institute of Manufacturing Technology

  Click on the individual courses to obtain basic information.
Please, pay attention to the prerequisites, i.e. the level of previous knowledge required for the course.
Course Credits Supervisor O
winter semester
HC1-A Application of CAD/CAM in Technology 4 Jan Zouhar V
HNC-A Technology of CNC Machining 8 Petra Sliwkova V
HSP-A Semester Project 6 Josef Chladil V
HTO-A Theory of Machining 6 Karel Kouril V
2VT-A Manufacturing Technology I 4 Michaela Cisarova V
summer semester
DTB-A Machining Technology 6 Josef Sedlak V
HC2-A Application of CAM in Machining Technology 4 Jan Zouhar V
WTC-A Technology (Metallurgy, Welding, Casting) 3 Antonin Zadera V