
Academic year 2019/2020
Branch: M-IMB Engineering Mechanics and Biomechanics Grade: 2
full-time study Year: 2
Course Credits Scope Assesment  Superv. Inst. Supervisor
winter semester
RK0 Constitutive Relations of Materialcs 5 P: 13 × 2
CPP: 13 × 1
Cr,Ex ÚMTMB prof. Ing. Jiří Burša, Ph.D.
RMSLimit States and Reliabilitycs 5 P: 13 × 3
CPP: 13 × 1
Cr,Ex ÚMTMB doc. Ing. Zdeněk Florian, CSc.
RRSRotordynamic Systemscs 5 P: 13 × 2
CPP: 13 × 1
GCr ÚMTMB Ing. Petr Lošák, Ph.D.
RTKThin-walled Structurescs 5 P: 13 × 2
CPP: 13 × 1
Cr,Ex ÚMTMB prof. Ing. Jindřich Petruška, CSc.
RZTFundamentals of Dependability Theorycs 5 P: 13 × 2
CPP: 13 × 2
GCr ÚMTMB doc. Ing. Tomáš Návrat, Ph.D.
Compulsory-optional (student selects 2 courses from the group 1)
RAEEnergy Harvestingcs 5 P: 13 × 1
L: 13 × 2
GCr ÚMTMB doc. Ing. Zdeněk Hadaš, Ph.D.
RBIBiomechanics IIcs 5 P: 13 × 2
CPP: 13 × 1
GCr ÚMTMB doc. Ing. Zdeněk Florian, CSc.
RVHVibration, Noise and Bioacousticscs 5 P: 13 × 2
CPP: 13 × 2
GCr ÚMTMB Ing. Pavel Švancara, Ph.D.
0PPRIndustrial Project (M-IMB, M-MET)cs 5 PX: 1 × 120
GCr ÚMTMB doc. Ing. Vladimír Fuis, Ph.D.
Elective (voluntary)
0ZCAcademic Sources and Citationscs 2 CPP: 13 × 1
Cr FSI Mgr. Oldřiška Šepelová
summer semester
RDPDiploma Project (M-IMB)cs 5 VD: 13 × 12
Cr ÚMTMB prof. Ing. Jindřich Petruška, CSc.
RD8Diploma Seminar (M-IMB)cs 5 C1: 13 × 4
Cr ÚMTMB prof. Ing. Jindřich Petruška, CSc.
RSOStochastic Mechanicscs 5 P: 13 × 2
CPP: 13 × 1
Cr,Ex ÚMTMB Ing. Petr Lošák, Ph.D.
7AZEnglish - Exam B1en 0 Z: 1 × 1
Ex ÚJ Mgr. Dita Gálová, Ph.D.
Compulsory-optional (student selects 2 courses from the group 2)
RBMBiomechanics IIIcs 5 P: 13 × 2
CPP: 13 × 1
GCr ÚMTMB prof. Ing. Jiří Burša, Ph.D.
RDBDatabase Systemscs 5 P: 13 × 2
CPP: 13 × 1
GCr ÚAI prof. RNDr. Ing. Miloš Šeda, Ph.D.
RQMThermal Effects in Mechatronic Systemscs 5 P: 13 × 2
L: 13 × 1
Cr,Ex ÚMTMB doc. Ing. Radek Vlach, Ph.D.
Overview winter semestersummer semestertotal
total number of credits 35 25 60
average number of lessons per week 26,62 25,08 25,85
average number of exams 3 2,67 5,67