
Academic year 2020/2021
Branch: --- no specialisation Grade: 1
full-time study Year: 1
Course Credits Scope Assesment  Superv. Inst. Supervisor
winter semester
GEN1General English Ien 0 Cj: 13 × 2
CPP: 13 × 1
Cr ÚJ Mgr. Olga Taušová, Ph.D.
YDFIntroduction to Designcs 2 P: 13 × 1
A: 13 × 2
Cr ÚK doc. Ing. arch. Jan Rajlich
YKGGeometric Objects Drawingcs 1 A: 13 × 2
GCr ÚK akad. soch. Josef Sládek, ArtD.
YU3History of Art up to 18th Centurycs 2 P: 13 × 2
Ex ÚK doc. Ing. arch. Jan Hrubý, CSc.
YZ1Mass Studycs 2 A: 13 × 3
GCr ÚK doc. akad. soch. Ladislav Křenek, ArtD.
1KMachine Design Fundamentalscs 5 P: 13 × 2
CPP: 13 × 2
Cr,Ex ÚK doc. Ing. Petr Svoboda, Ph.D.
1KDConstructive Geometrycs 5 P: 13 × 2
CPP: 13 × 2
Cr,Ex ÚM doc. PaedDr. Dalibor Martišek, Ph.D.
1MMathematics Ics 9 P: 13 × 4
C1: 11 × 4
CPP: 2 × 4
Cr,Ex ÚM prof. RNDr. Miroslav Doupovec, CSc., dr. h. c.
3CDCAD - Basiccs 2 CPP: 13 × 2
Cr ÚK doc. Ing. Petr Svoboda, Ph.D.
0KDSelected Chapters from Constructive Geometrycs 0 P: 13 × 2
Cr ÚM doc. Ing. Pavel Štarha, Ph.D.
0KMSelected Chapters from Mathematicscs 0 P: 13 × 2
Cr ÚM doc. Mgr. Petr Vašík, Ph.D.
0ZKSelected Chapters from Fundamentals of Designcs 0 P: 13 × 2
Cr ÚK doc. Ing. Pavel Mazal, CSc.
summer semester
BFPhysicscs 7 P: 13 × 2
L: 7 × 2
C1: 6 × 2
Cr,Ex ÚFI prof. Mgr. Miroslav Černý, Ph.D.
BUMIntroduction to Material Science and Engineeringcs 6 P: 13 × 3
L: 13 × 2
Cr,Ex ÚMVI doc. Ing. Vít Jan, Ph.D.
GEN2General English IIen 0 Cj: 13 × 2
CPP: 13 × 1
Cr ÚJ Mgr. Olga Taušová, Ph.D.
GEN3General English Examen 2 Z: 1 × 1
Ex ÚJ Mgr. Dita Gálová, Ph.D.
YKVDrawing of Productcs 2 A: 13 × 2
GCr ÚK akad. soch. Josef Sládek, ArtD.
YPBComputer Graphics Ics 2 CPP: 13 × 3
GCr ÚK doc. Ing. David Paloušek, Ph.D.
YU4History of Art of 19th - 20th Centurycs 2 P: 13 × 2
Ex ÚK doc. Ing. arch. Jan Hrubý, CSc.
2KMachine Designcs 4 P: 13 × 1
CPP: 13 × 2
GCr ÚK doc. Ing. Pavel Mazal, CSc.
2MMathematics IIcs 8 P: 13 × 3
C1: 11 × 4
CPP: 2 × 4
Cr,Ex ÚM prof. RNDr. Miroslav Doupovec, CSc., dr. h. c.
0FBSelected Topics in Physics Bcs 0 P: 13 × 2
Cr ÚFI prof. Mgr. Miroslav Černý, Ph.D.
0UMMaterials Engineering - Selected Topicscs 0 P: 13 × 2
Cr ÚMVI Ing. Eva Molliková, Ph.D.,Paed IGIP
2IVInformation Knowledge - Information Literacycs 1 CPP: 13 × 1
Cr FSI Mgr. Oldřiška Šepelová
Overview winter semestersummer semestertotal
total number of credits 28 34 62
average number of lessons per week 37 34,08 35,54
average number of exams 4 5 9