List of Courses in Academic Year 2019/2020 Institute of Automation and Computer Science
Course Supervisor
zimní semestr
FOA Operational and Systems Analysis Milos Seda
FOA-A Operational and Systems Analysis Milos Seda
FOA-K Operational and Systems Analysis Milos Seda
FSI System Simulation Jiri Stastny
FSI-A System Simulation Jiri Stastny
FSI-K System Simulation Jiri Stastny
VAP Applied Electronics Zdenek Nemec
VAP-A Applied Electronics Zdenek Nemec
VAP-K Applied Electronics Zdenek Nemec
VAS Power Systems Automation Zdenek Nemec
VA1 Control Theory I Radomil Matousek
VA1-A Control Theory I Radomil Matousek
VA1-K Control Theory I Radomil Matousek
VCP C and C++ Programming Languages Jiri Stastny
VCP-A C and C++ Programming Languages Jiri Stastny
VCP-K C and C++ Programming Languages Jiri Stastny
VHT Hardware and Microprocessor Technique Pavel Osmera
VHT-K Hardware and Microprocessor Technique Pavel Osmera
VMD Measurement and Diagnostic Techniques Frantisek Vdolecek
VMD-K Measurement and Diagnostic Techniques Frantisek Vdolecek
VNS Design of Control Systems Branislav Lacko
VOB Object-Oriented Programming Radomil Matousek
VOB-K Object-Oriented Programming Radomil Matousek
VO1 Optimization I Milos Seda
VO1-K Optimization I Milos Seda
VPG Computers and Graphics Jiri Stastny
VPG-A Computers and Graphics Jiri Stastny
VPG-K Computers and Graphics Jiri Stastny
VPL Programmable Logic Controllers Zdenek Nemec
VPL-K Programmable Logic Controllers Zdenek Nemec
VPW Programming in Windows Pavel Heriban
VPW-A Programming in Windows Pavel Heriban
VPW-K Programming in Windows Pavel Heriban
VSV Machine Vision Jiri Stastny
VSV-A Machine Vision Jiri Stastny
VSV-K Machine Vision Jiri Stastny
VTG Graph Theory Milos Seda
VTG-A Graph Theory Milos Seda
VTG-K Graph Theory Milos Seda
VTI Information Theory and Encoding Radomil Matousek
VTI-A Information Theory and Encoding Radomil Matousek
VTI-K Information Theory and Encoding Radomil Matousek
VTM Technical Measurement Frantisek Vdolecek
VTM-K Technical Measurement Frantisek Vdolecek
VVF Control Theory Pavel Osmera
VVF-A Control Theory Pavel Osmera
VVF-K Control Theory Pavel Osmera
VZI Mathematical Principles of Computer Science Milos Seda
VZI-K Mathematical Principles of Computer Science Milos Seda
VZR Introduction to Automatic Control Milos Seda
VZR-K Introduction to Automatic Control Milos Seda
0PR Project Management Branislav Lacko
1IN Computer Science Radomil Matousek
1IN-A Computer Science Radomil Matousek
1IN-K Computer Science Radomil Matousek
letní semestr
BZI Information Processing Radek Poliscuk
BZI-K Information Processing Radek Poliscuk
DPT Programming Techniques Radomil Matousek
DPT-K Programming Techniques Radomil Matousek
FDI Bachelor Project (B2370) Jiri Stastny
FDI-K Bachelor Project (B2370) Jiri Stastny
FEI Bachelor Seminar (B2370) Jiri Stastny
FEI-K Bachelor Seminar (B2370) Jiri Stastny
IAR Automation and Control Frantisek Vdolecek
LRE Regulation and Automation of Power Systems Zdenek Nemec
RDB Database Systems Milos Seda
VAD Automatic Diagnostics Frantisek Vdolecek
VAD-K Automatic Diagnostics Frantisek Vdolecek
VAI Artificial Intelligence Algorithms Radomil Matousek
VAI-K Artificial Intelligence Algorithms Radomil Matousek
VAT Fluid Automatic Control Equipment Zdenek Nemec
VAT-K Fluid Automatic Control Equipment Zdenek Nemec
VAU Automatic Control Equipment Zdenek Nemec
VAU-A Automatic Control Equipment Zdenek Nemec
VAU-K Automatic Control Equipment Zdenek Nemec
VA2 Control Theory II Ivan Svarc
VA2-K Control Theory II Ivan Svarc
VDS Database Systems Milos Seda
VDS-K Database Systems Milos Seda
VD8 Diploma Seminar (M2370) Jiri Stastny
VD8-A Diploma Seminar (M-AIR) Jiri Stastny
VD8-K Diploma Seminar (M2370) Jiri Stastny
VD9 Diploma Project (M2370) Jiri Stastny
VD9-A Diploma Project (M-AIR) Jiri Stastny
VD9-K Diploma Project (M2370) Jiri Stastny
VEA Electrical Automatic Control Equipment Zdenek Nemec
VEA-K Electrical Automatic Control Equipment Zdenek Nemec
VES Expert Systems Jiri Dvorak
VES-K Expert Systems and Languages for Artificial Intelligence Jiri Dvorak
VPK Computer Communication Jan Roupec
VPK-A Computer Communication Jan Roupec
VPK-K Computer Communication Jan Roupec
VPN Computer Networks Jan Roupec
VPN-K Computer Networks Jan Roupec
VPP Optimization of Processes and Projects Milos Seda
VPP-A Optimization of Processes and Projects Milos Seda
VPP-K Optimization of Processes and Projects Milos Seda
VP0 Programming in Python Radomil Matousek
VSC Soft Computing Radomil Matousek
VSC-K Soft Computing Radomil Matousek
VSP Simulation, Planning and Scheduling in Manufacturing Simeon Simeonov
VSP-K Simulation, Planning and Scheduling in Manufacturing Simeon Simeonov
0MR Mobile Robots Radomil Matousek
0PA Android Programming Pavel Heriban
0PPV Industrial Project (2370) Pavel Skrabanek
0P4 Industry 4.0 Branislav Lacko
0VP Selected Chapters from Programming Jan Roupec
6AA Automation Milos Seda
6AA-K Automation Milos Seda