List of Courses in Academic Year 2020/2021 Institute of Automotive Engineering
Course Supervisor
zimní semestr
DLD Logistics of Transport and Handling Systems Jiri Malasek
DLD-K Logistics of Transport and Handling Systems Jiri Malasek
EDO Transport and Handling Equipment Jiri Malasek
EDO-K Transport and Handling Equipment Jiri Malasek
FAU Motor Vehicles Zdenek Kaplan
FAU-K Motor Vehicles Zdenek Kaplan
FHP Hydraulic Gears of Machines Miroslav Skopan
FHP-K Hydraulic Gears of Machines Miroslav Skopan
JDT-A Automotive Technology Radim Dundalek
NSM Machines for Production of Building Materials Jiri Malasek
NT0 Technology of Operating with Earthwork Machines Jaroslav Kasparek
QAM Applied Mechanics of Building and Transport Machines Miroslav Skopan
QAP Alternative Drives Josef Stetina
QA0 Concept Development of a Car Jan Vancura
QC0 Computer Aided Design - CATIA Ales Prokop
QDD Diploma Project I (M2335) Zdenek Kaplan
QDS Transport Machines and Equipment Dependability Zdenek Vintr
QDY Dynamics of Vehicles Petr Portes
QHL Driving Mechanisms Vaclav Pistek
QLD Project, Design and Logistics of Transport and Handling Equipment Jiri Malasek
QLP Ships and Vessels Design Premysl Pokorny
QMH Mechanic and Hydraulic Gears Miroslav Skopan
QMK Computer Aided Design of Mechanical Structures Premysl Pokorny
QMO Calculation Models Pavel Novotny
QMV Motor Vehicles Ondrej Blatak
QM0 Computer Aided Design - MARC Premysl Pokorny
QN1 Supporting Structures of Machines I Miroslav Skopan
QPA Computer Simmulation in Automotive Industry Vaclav Pistek
QSI Forensic Engineering Ales Vemola
QSV Technology and Machines in Building Industry Jiri Malasek
QTS Theory of Internal Combustion Engines Josef Stetina
QVO Vehicle Engines David Svida
9DSM Engine Dynamics Vaclav Pistek
9LDM Logistics in Transport and Handling Miroslav Skopan
9MBO Mathematical Modeling of Machine Mechanisms Petr Portes
9TDC Thermodynamics of Power Cycles Josef Stetina
9VNP Vibration and Noise Powertrain Pavel Novotny
letní semestr
ESM Internal Combustion Engines Zdenek Kaplan
ESM-K Internal Combustion Engines Zdenek Kaplan
FDS Bachelor Project (B2324) Miroslav Skopan
FDS-K Bachelor Project (B2324) Miroslav Skopan
FES Bachelor Seminar (B2324) Miroslav Skopan
FES-K Bachelor Seminar (B2324) Miroslav Skopan
NB0 Safety of Work on Earthwork Machines Jaroslav Kasparek
NSK Road Building Machines Miroslav Skopan
QDP Diploma Project (M2335) Vaclav Pistek
QDZ-A Road Traffic and Environment Pavel Novotny
QD0 Processing of Vehicle Data Lubor Zhanal
QD6 Diploma Seminar (M2335) Vaclav Pistek
QEM Experimental Methods Josef Stetina
QE1 Special Electrical Engineering Pavel Kucera
QMV Motor Vehicles Ondrej Blatak
QN0 Computer Aided Design - NX Premysl Pokorny
QN2 Supporting Structures of Machines II Miroslav Skopan
QPV Vehicle Accessories Vaclav Pistek
QSS Techniques of Decreasing Industrial Harmful Substances Jiri Malasek
QS3 Semester Project David Svida
QVP Virtual Prototypes Petr Portes
QZE Earth Working Machinery Jaroslav Kasparek
0PPQ Industrial Project (2335) Ondrej Blatak