
Academic year 2020/2021
Branch: D-FMI-F Physical and Materials Engineering, Physical Engineering Grade: 3
full-time study Year: 1
Course Credits Scope Assesment  Superv. Inst. Supervisor
winter semester
9AJEnglish for Doctoral Degree Studyen 0 Cj: 30 × 2
DrEx ÚJ Mgr. Martina Vránová, Ph.D.
Recommended course
9AIVAb initio Calculations in Material Sciencescs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚMVI Mgr. Martin Friák, Ph.D.
9ANCMicroscopy and Analysis Using Charged Particlescs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚFI prof. RNDr. Bohumila Lencová, CSc.
9ESMModelling of Thermodynamic Stability and Phase Transformationscs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚMVI prof. RNDr. Mojmír Šob, DrSc.
9MAVMathematics of Wave Opticscs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚFI prof. RNDr. Jiří Petráček, Dr.
9MMMMultilevel Modelling of Materialscs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚMVI doc. Ing. Roman Gröger, Ph.D. et Ph.D.
9NTCNanotechnologycs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚFI prof. RNDr. Tomáš Šikola, CSc.
9ONAOrganic Nanostructures at Inorganic Surfacescs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚFI prof. Ing. Jan Čechal, Ph.D.
9RPTX-Ray Computed Tomographycs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚFI prof. Ing. Jozef Kaiser, Ph.D.
9SLPIntroduction to Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopycs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚFI prof. Ing. Jozef Kaiser, Ph.D.
9STHStructure of Mattercs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚFI prof. RNDr. Petr Dub, CSc.
9TPLConcepts in Solid State Theorycs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚFI prof. RNDr. Petr Dub, CSc.
9VKBConcepts of Biofotonicscs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚFI prof. RNDr. Radim Chmelík, Ph.D.
9VKNConcepts of Nanophotonicscs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚFI prof. RNDr. Jiří Petráček, Dr.
9ZDNImaging and Diagnostics of Nanostructurescs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚFI prof. RNDr. Jiří Spousta, Ph.D.
summer semester
Recommended course
9KTDThe Fourier Transform of Lattices and the Kinematical Theory of Difractioncs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚFI prof. RNDr. Jiří Komrska, CSc.
9MIAAdvanced Light Microscopy - Imaging Theorycs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚFI prof. RNDr. Radim Chmelík, Ph.D.
9MIKLight Microscopycs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚFI prof. RNDr. Radim Chmelík, Ph.D.
9MPAMathematics for Applicationscs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚM doc. Mgr. Jaroslav Hrdina, Ph.D.
9PVPProgramming in Pythoncs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚAI prof. Ing. Radomil Matoušek, Ph.D.
9RF1Equations of Mathematical Physics Ics 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚM prof. RNDr. Jan Franců, CSc.
Overview winter semestersummer semestertotal
total number of credits 0 0 0
average number of lessons per week 26,15 9,23 17,69
average number of exams 15 6 21