
Academic year 2020/2021
Branch: --- no specialisation Grade: 3
full-time study Year: 1
Course Credits Scope Assesment  Superv. Inst. Supervisor
winter semester
9AJEnglish for Doctoral Degree Studyen 0 Cj: 30 × 2
DrEx ÚJ Mgr. Martina Vránová, Ph.D.
Recommended course
9AIVAb initio Calculations in Material Sciencescs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚMVI Mgr. Martin Friák, Ph.D.
9ALMApplied Fracture Mechanicscs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚMVI prof. Ing. Ivo Dlouhý, CSc.
9DATDeposition and Additive Technologiescs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚMVI doc. Ing. Libor Pantělejev, Ph.D.
9DMDDislocation Mechanisms of Plastic Deformationscs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚMVI prof. Mgr. Tomáš Kruml, CSc.
9ESMModelling of Thermodynamic Stability and Phase Transformationscs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚMVI prof. RNDr. Mojmír Šob, DrSc.
9FMPFractography and Micromechanisms of Failurescs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚMVI doc. Ing. Libor Pantělejev, Ph.D.
9KPCColloid and Surface Chemistrycs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚMVI doc. Ing. Klára Částková, Ph.D.
9MEMAdvanced Methods of Electron Microscopycs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚMVI prof. RNDr. Antonín Dlouhý, CSc.
9MMMMultilevel Modelling of Materialscs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚMVI doc. Ing. Roman Gröger, Ph.D. et Ph.D.
9MOMMaterials Modellingcs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚMVI doc. Ing. Roman Gröger, Ph.D. et Ph.D.
9NKMNonmetallic Materialscs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚMVI prof. Ing. Martin Trunec, Dr.
9PKTAdvanced Ceramics Technologiescs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚMVI prof. Ing. Martin Trunec, Dr.
9PTSProgressive Technologies in Weldingcs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST doc. RNDr. Libor Mrňa, Ph.D.
9SAEStatistical Analysis and Experimentcs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚM doc. RNDr. Libor Žák, Ph.D.
9SKESintering of Ceramics Materialscs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚMVI prof. RNDr. Karel Maca, Dr.
9SVKStructure and Properties of Metallic Materialscs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚMVI doc. Ing. Vít Jan, Ph.D.
9VFMSelected Chapters in Materials Sciencecs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚFI prof. Mgr. Miroslav Černý, Ph.D.
9VMSSelected Methods of Structure Analysiscs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚMVI doc. Ing. Vít Jan, Ph.D.
9WTFTheory of Phase Transformationscs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚMVI prof. Ing. Ivo Dlouhý, CSc.
9ZMVTesting of Mechanical Propertiescs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚMVI prof. Ing. Ivo Dlouhý, CSc.
summer semester
Recommended course
9DPPDegradation Processes and Service Life Predictioncs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚMVI prof. Ing. Ivo Dlouhý, CSc.
9FZMPhysical Base of Materials Fracturecs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚFI prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Pokluda, CSc.
9MEKMechanics of Compositescs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚMTMB prof. RNDr. Michal Kotoul, DrSc.
9MEOMetallurgy of Steelcs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST doc. Ing. Antonín Záděra, Ph.D.
9MIKLight Microscopycs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚFI prof. RNDr. Radim Chmelík, Ph.D.
9MMNModern Metallurgy of Non-ferrous Metals and Alloyscs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚST doc. Ing. Antonín Záděra, Ph.D.
9NTKNondestructive Evaluation and Quality Controlcs 0 P: 10 × 2
DrEx ÚK doc. Ing. Pavel Mazal, CSc.
Overview winter semestersummer semestertotal
total number of credits 0 0 0
average number of lessons per week 35,38 10,77 23,08
average number of exams 21 7 28