Project Management (FSI-0PR)

Academic year 2021/2022
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Branislav Lacko, CSc.  
Supervising institute: ÚAI all courses guaranted by this institute
Teaching language: Czech
Aims of the course unit:
Students will gain knowledge of project management methods and techniques, so they can become fully-fledged members of project team in any field. After this course students should ready to pass international certification exams IPMA level D, or they can sit National certification exam.
Learning outcomes and competences:
Knowledge of project management methods. Planning, leading and finishing of projects. Using of PM methods, better qualification of competence used in all field. Understanding the branch highly required by employers. Level of knowledge in quality for passing international IPMA certification, level D. The special document of TU Brno for successful students will be issued.
High school knowledge required.
Course contents:
Subject will contain these fields: Project management terms (Characteristics of Project, Project Phase, Tripple Constrain etc.), Methods of Project managemt (Logic Frame Method, metod of Feasibility Study), Work Breakdown Structure, Network Analysis (Gantt Chart, arrow and precedence diagram), Critical Path Method (CPM) and Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT). Computer support of Project management, Operatiational leading implementation of projects, Change management in projects,Crisis management in projects,Communication in projects, Risk management (RIPRAN – Risk Project Analysis included),Team Work in projects and interational standard ISO 21500.
Teaching methods and criteria:
The course is taught through lectures explaining the basic principles and theory of the discipline. Exercises are focused on practical topics presented in lectures with using teamwork in project team.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes:
Conditions pro successful finishing of Course are set in annual regulation of guarantor.
Controlled participation in lessons:
Definition of control teaching and way of its performance is set in annual regulation of course guarantor.
Type of course unit:
    Lecture  13 × 1 hrs. optionally                  
    Exercise  13 × 2 hrs. compulsory                  
Course curriculum:
    Lecture 1. Introduction to project management and ISO standards.
2. Project life cycle
3. Goals of project and logical frame of project
4. Stakeholders analysis
5. Project plan, WBS and work package
6. Communication and organization in project
7. Phases and timeline od project
8. Resouces and cost planning
9. Risk management, EN 62 198
10. Motivation, meetings, communication plan
11. Teamwork methods, team building, team rolles
12. Controlling, monitoring, reporting of Project (EVM)
13. Changes, end of project
    Exercise 1. Introduction to project management - examples of project
2. Project life cycle - example concept of project
3. Goals of project and logical frame of project - building logical frame of project
4. Stakeholders analysis - table of stakeholders
5. Project plan, WBS and work package - design od WBS of project
6. Communication and organization in project - communication plan of project
7. Phases and timeline of project - Gantt chart and CPM net
8. Resouces and cost planning - histograms cost and resources
9. Risk management - table od RIPRAN method
10. Motivation, meetings, communication plan - example of communication plan
11. Teamwork methods, team building, team rolles - team building
12. Controlling, monitoring, reportin of Projects (EVM) - compute SPI, CPI
13. Changes, end of project- design of change process
Literature - fundamental:
1. Lacko, B., Ježková, Z., Švec, J., Krejčí, H. Základy projektového řízení. Elektronická verze.
2. Pitaš, J. a kol: Národní standard kompetencí projektového řízení verze 3.2, Společnost pro projektové
3. Doležal a kol: Projektové řízení podle IPMA. Grada Publishing 2009 Praha, 507 s.
Literature - recommended:
1. Lacko, B., Ježková, Z., Švec, J., Krejčí, H. Základy projektového řízení. Elektronická verze.
2. Pitaš, J. a kol: Národní standard kompetencí projektového řízení verze 3.2, Společnost pro projektové
3. Doležal a kol: Projektové řízení podle IPMA. Grada Publishing 2009 Praha, 507 s.
4. ČSN EN 62198 Management rizik v projektech. ÚNMZ Praha 2014
5. ČSN ISO 21500 Návod k manangementu projektu. ÚNMZ Praha 2013
The study programmes with the given course:
Programme Study form Branch Spec. Final classification   Course-unit credits     Obligation     Level     Year     Semester  
N-OBN-P visiting student --- no specialisation -- Cr,Ex 4 Elective 2 1 W