European Law and Market Supervison (FSI-XEV-K)

Academic year 2021/2022
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Petr Blecha, Ph.D., FEng.  
Supervising institute: ÚVSSR all courses guaranted by this institute
Teaching language: Czech
Aims of the course unit:
The aim of the course is to introduce the students to historical contexts leading to establishment of the European Union (EU) and to development of the legislative environment in the EU. Attention is paid mainly to the fields related to customer protection, environment protection and associated duties of producers.
Students learn about legal regulations and harmonized standars that set the rules for introduction of products to market or into operation.
Learning outcomes and competences:
Students will learn the importance of European countries cooperation. They will gain knowledge about European policy on consumer and environmental protection and the importance of technical standardization and EU harmonisation legislation. They will orient themselves in the legislative framework for product marketing, understand the role of market surveillance and quality management in demonstrating compliance with both internal production management and EU type-examination of product.
General knowledge of the European Union and the history of Europe.
Course contents:
The course focuses on basic information about the development of relations in selected European countries before the establishment of economic cooperation within the EU single market, the legislative framework for the marketing of products. It sets out technical and environmental requirements for products in the context of a European policy on consumer protection and the environment. It provides the necessary information relating to market surveillance, product conformity assessment, product, service and personnel certification.
Teaching methods and criteria:
The course is taught in the form of lectures presenting the basic principles and theory of the given discipline. Optional is a presentation of voluntary projects and a discussion of the students' conclusions.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes:
Compulsory part: test consisting of 20 questions (max. 20 points).
Optional part: elaborate semester work on approved topic (max. 2 points).
Rating: 19 points or more A; 18 points or more B; 16 points or more C; 14 points or more D; 12 points or more E
Controlled participation in lessons:
Lectures are compulsory. The elaboration of the semester project is voluntary and the student himself proposes a topic focusing on the importance of the common market or common EU policy in relation to the subject matter discussed at the lectures.
Type of course unit:
    Guided consultation in combined form of studies  1 × 9 hrs. compulsory                  
    Guided consultation  1 × 17 hrs. optionally                  
Course curriculum:
    Guided consultation in combined form of studies 1. Development of the relations between the CR and EU countries in historical context
2. Single market of the EU
3. Technical and environmental requirements on products
4. Legislation related to introduction of products to market
5. European normalization
6. Conformity as an expression of product quality
7. Protection of customers and environment
8. Supervision over market and products
9. Law on metrology
10. Certification of employees – declaration of qualification
11. Certification of products
12. Declaration of conformity, declaration of incorporation, CE marking
13. Presenation of semestral project and discussion on the importance of the common market and EU policy.
    Guided consultation 1. Development of the relations between the CR and EU countries in historical context
2. Single market of the EU
3. Technical and environmental requirements on products
4. Legislation related to introduction of products to market
5. European normalization
6. Conformity as an expression of product quality
7. Protection of customers and environment
8. Supervision over market and products
9. Law on metrology
10. Certification of employees – declaration of qualification
11. Certification of products
12. Declaration of conformity, declaration of incorporation, CE marking
13. Presenation of semestral project and discussion on the importance of the common market and EU policy.
Literature - fundamental:
1. Whitehouse, D. J.: Handbook of Surface Metrology. IOP Publishing Ltd., 1994
2. Kolektiv: The new Approach. CEN, 1995, reedice 2001
3. Kolektiv: Bílá kniha Komise ES o přípravě přidružených zemí střední a východní Evropy na začlenění do vnitřního trhu Unie. Delegace Evropské unie v ČR, Praha, 1995
Literature - recommended:
1. Kolektiv: Posuzování shody výrobků. Verlag Dashöfer, Praha, aktualizace květen 2004
2. Šenk, J.: Normalizace v praxi AO. SZÚ Brno, AAAO Praha, aktualizace říjen 2002
3. Rajlich, J.: Vstup ČR do Evropské unie – příležitosti a dopady ve vybraných oblastech. SZÚ Brno, únor 2003
4. Janků, M.: Právní systém Evropských společenství. Computer Press, Praha, 2002
5. Základní informace o akreditaci. Český institut pro akreditaci, o.p.s., Praha, březen 2004
6. Nařízení vlády č. 24/2003 Sb., kterým se stanoví technické požadavky na strojní zařízení (98/37/EHS)
7. Nařízení vlády č. 17/2003 Sb., kterým se stanoví technické požadavky na elektrická zařízení nízkého napětí (73/23/EHS)
8. Nařízení vlády č. 18/2003 Sb., kterým se stanoví technické požadavky na výrobky z hlediska jejich elektromagnetické kompatibility (89/336/EHS)
9. Nařízení vlády č. 190/2002 Sb., kterým se stanoví technické požadavky na stavební výrobky označované CE, ve znění Nařízení vlády č. 128/2004 Sb., (89/106/EHS)
10. Příručka pro zavádění Nového a Globálního přístupu. Sborník technické harmonizace, ÚNMZ, Praha, 2003
The study programmes with the given course:
Programme Study form Branch Spec. Final classification   Course-unit credits     Obligation     Level     Year     Semester  
N-KSB-K combined study --- no specialisation -- Ex 2 Compulsory 2 1 W