We introduce to you a pneumobile, an experimental car with an alternative drive, that was constructed by students of the Institute of Machine and Industrial Design at FME BUT. The pneumobile is a car driven by a combustion engine.
This May students from the team DRAGONFLY participated with their pneumobile in an international race of student cars with a pneumatic drive organised by the company Bosch Rexroth in Eger (Hungary). 48 teams from Hungary, Romania, Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic participated in the race.
On the first day students presented their cars to a jury of experts. Technical characteristics, above all originality of a technical solution and its technical level, were key in the evaluation.
On the following day the race itself took place in three types of competitions: Arcade race (drive of manual dexterity), Acceleration race (speed) and Long Distance (range). The team occupied an excellent place in two categories. It came the 4th in Long Distance competition (range) with the total length of 5683 meters and 5th in Arcade race (drive of manual dexterity). It occupied the 12th place in Acceleration race.
Kateřina Růžičková, 30. 5. 2013
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