| phone* | room |
* prefix: +420 541 14...., GSM O2: +420 726 81...., GSM T-Mobile: +420 604 07.... |
Director of Institute |
prof. Ing. Jindřich Petruška, CSc. |
A2/614 |
Deputy Director for Scientific Activities |
prof. RNDr. Michal Kotoul, DrSc. |
A2/602 |
Deputy Director for Educational Activities |
doc. Ing. Tomáš Návrat, Ph.D. |
A2/610 |
Institute Secretary |
Ing. Lubomír Houfek, Ph.D. |
A2/611 |
Secretariat |
Martina Hálová |
A2/612 |
Associate Professor |
doc. Ing. Roman Gröger, Ph.D. et Ph.D. |
Assistant Professor |
Ing. Pavel Heriban, Ph.D. |
Research Worker |
Ing. Jaroslav Kovář, Ph.D. |
A2/701 |
Technician |
Martina Hálová |
A2/612 |
Alice Sísová |
A2/612 |
Stanislav Sláma |
A2/719 |
Ing. Andrea Šebestová |
A2/613 |
Dept. of Engineering Mechanics – 13251
Head of Department |
prof. Ing. Jindřich Petruška, CSc. |
A2/614 |
Professor |
prof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D. |
prof. Ing. Jindřich Petruška, CSc. |
A2/614 |
Associate Professor |
doc. Ing. Tomáš Návrat, Ph.D. |
A2/610 |
doc. Ing. František Šebek, Ph.D. |
A2/609 |
Assistant Professor |
Ing. Dávid Halabuk, Ph.D. |
A2/608 |
Ing. Lubomír Houfek, Ph.D. |
A2/611 |
Ing. Petr Kubík, Ph.D. |
A2/609 |
Ing. Jan Pokorný, Ph.D. |
A2/608 |
Ing. Petr Vosynek, Ph.D. |
A2/607 |
Research Worker |
Ing. Tomáš Adamec |
D5/447 |
Dept. of Mechanics of Advanced Materials – 13252
Head of Department |
prof. RNDr. Michal Kotoul, DrSc. |
A2/602 |
Professor |
prof. RNDr. Michal Kotoul, DrSc. |
A2/602 |
prof. Ing. Luboš Náhlík, Ph.D. |
Associate Professor |
doc. Ing. Jana Horníková, Ph.D. |
A2/505 |
doc. Ing. Tomáš Profant, Ph.D. |
A2/604 |
Assistant Professor |
Ing. Miroslav Hrstka, Ph.D. |
A2/601 |
Ing. Zdeněk Majer, Ph.D. |
A2/603 |
Ing. Petr Skalka, Ph.D. |
A2/605 |
Ing. Oldřich Ševeček, Ph.D. |
A2/603 |
Dept. of Biomechanics – 13253
Head of Department |
prof. Ing. Jiří Burša, Ph.D. |
A2/702 |
Professor |
prof. Ing. Jiří Burša, Ph.D. |
A2/702 |
Associate Professor |
doc. Ing. Zdeněk Florian, CSc. |
A2/719 |
doc. Ing. Vladimír Fuis, Ph.D. |
A2/720 |
Assistant Professor |
Ing. Petr Hájek, Ph.D. |
A2/601 |
Ing. Jiří Jagoš, Ph.D. |
A2/703 |
Ing. Petr Marcián, Ph.D. |
A2/705 |
Ing. Pavel Švancara, Ph.D. |
A2/605 |
Ing. Jiří Vaverka, Ph.D. |
A2/703 |
Dept. of Mechatronics – 13254
Head of Department |
doc. Ing. Robert Grepl, Ph.D. |
A2/710 |
Associate Professor |
doc. Ing. Robert Grepl, Ph.D. |
A2/710 |
doc. Ing. Jiří Krejsa, Ph.D. |
A2/720 |
doc. Ing. Radek Vlach, Ph.D. |
A2/707 |
Assistant Professor |
Ing. Martin Appel, Ph.D. |
A2/709 |
Ing. Petr Krejčí, Ph.D. |
A2/607 |
Research Worker |
Ing. Martin Formánek |
A2/708 |
Ing. Filip Radil |
Dept. of Autonomous Systems – 13255
Head of Department |
doc. Ing. Stanislav Věchet, Ph.D. |
A2/606 |
Associate Professor |
doc. Ing. Stanislav Věchet, Ph.D. |
A2/606 |
– 13742
Head of Subdivision |
prof. Ing. Jindřich Petruška, CSc. |
A2/614 |
Research Worker |
Ing. Libor Borák, Ph.D. |
A2/705 |
Ing. Gabriel Cabaj |
D5/447 |
Ing. Jakub Diakov |
Bc. Vojtěch Gajzler |
Ing. Anna Hrubanová |
Ing. Jiří Kohút |
A1/0535 |
Sudhir Kumar Kondepati, MSc |
Ing. Jan Králík, Ph.D. |
A2/706 |
Ing. Aleš Kraml |
Jakub Michna |
Bc. Ondřej Mikulenka |
Bc. Karolína Němečková |
Ing. Ondřej Pavlík |
A2/701 |
Bc. Ondřej Richter |
A2/713 |
Ing. Michael Rosický |
Ing. Pavel Skácel, Ph.D. |
A2/702 |
Ing. Michael Šulc |
A2/713 |
Ing. Barbora Thomková |
A2/704 |
Technician |
Ing. Michal Bastl, Ph.D. |
– 13753
Head of Subdivision |
prof. Ing. Jindřich Petruška, CSc. |
A2/614 |